2020-2021 Meeting Dates:
Title I Designee Meetings (Tentative Dates)
* February 18, 2021 (Tentatively Postponed)
All attendees are required to bring an electronic device to access
the materials online. Start time will be posted on the draft agenda.
2019-2020 SPSA Evaluation
October 31, 2020 (completed and submitted)
SPSA Modification for Technology
December 4, 2020 (completed and submitted to fiscal specialist)
Other Important Dates:
* Completing the 2020-2021 SPSA Modification
* Monitoring the Title I Program and SPSA Activities
* Completing the Categorical Equipment Inventory (CEI)
* Writing the 2021-2022 SPSA
* Preparing for 2021-2022 Budget Development (BD)
2021-2022 SPSA Writing Training (November)