• Los Angeles Unified School District

    2018 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update


    The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-390) provides the legal basis for FEMA mitigation planning requirements for State, local and Indian Tribal governments as a condition of mitigation grant assistance. The purpose of hazard mitigation planning is to enact mitigation measures that reduce the risk of loss of life and property damage from future disasters.


    In 2004, the Los Angeles Unified School District (District) developed a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP), which received FEMA approval in 2005. In 2012, a subsequent LHMP was prepared and received FEMA approval. The LHMP was deemed valid for a period of five years. In order to keep the LHMP current an update is required. Without this update, the District will not be eligible for FEMA pre- and post- disaster mitigation grant funds.


    The revised LHMP will reflect current responsibilities of the District’s divisions, departments and offices. The LHMP will also address major natural and human-caused disasters that may impact District facilities and its operations.


    To ensure the completion of the LHMP, an internal planning team was convened and consists of representatives from selected District departments. Additionally, other local, state and federal stakeholders have been invited to attend.


    LAUSD is inviting members of the public and other interested stakeholders to participate in the LHMP project. The project was formally kicked off in January of 2018, with a public review draft of the LHMP anticipated in July 2018.


    For more information and how you can be involved, please go to the District’s Office of Environmental Health and Safety website at: https://www.lausd.org/Page/14638. Or contact Bill Piazza at (213) 241-2576 or email at bill.piazza@lausd.net.