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Intervention courses are designed to provide foundational knowledge and intervention for students taking core mathematics course (CC Algebra 1, CC Geometry, and CC Algebra 2) and for students who are preparing to be enrolled in the core cores (CC Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2). These courses are also used to provide intervention for the students who are enrolled in core cores (CC Algebra 1, CC Geometry, and CC Algebra 2) but are experiencing difficulty in mastering the core standards and academic language of the core courses.
Students enrolled in the intervention course need to be assessed in an ongoing basis to determine their needs for support and intervention. Teachers are encouraged to tailor instruction through ongoing assessment to provide true differentiated instruction. The outcome of the initial and ongoing assessments are analyze to identify skill and concept requirements necessary for any Common Core State Standard, compare those requirements to the student's existing skill set, and analyze any potential student deficits.
Common Core Algebra 1 Tutorial Lab (312613/312614)
Common Core Algebra 1 Tutorial Lab is designed to provide foundational knowledge and intervention for students taking CC Algebra 1 and for students who are preparing to be enrolled in CC Algebra 1. The course is also used to provide intervention for the students who are enrolled in CC Algebra 1 but are experiencing difficulty in mastering the core standards and academic language of CC Algebra 1. CC Algebra 1 Tutorial Lab is an elective mathematics course provided to students as a second course to support the core CC Algebra 1 course. The course is designed to enhance the student’s knowledge of prerequisite skills and academic language that are needed to access the standards-based CC Algebra 1 course.
Common Core Geometry Tutorial Lab (312615/312616)
Common Core Geometry Tutorial Lab provides students with foundational knowledge, intervention, and academic language skills that are required to successfully access the rigorous demands of the standards-based Common Core Geometry course. This intervention course utilizes Common Core Grade 7 standards, Common Core Grade 8 standards, and the Standards for Mathematical Practice to support the major clusters defined in the LAUSD Curricular Maps for Common Core Geometry. This course serves not only as intervention, but also as support for students experiencing difficulty in mastering the core standards and academic language constraints of the Common Core Geometry course. Common Core Geometry Tutorial Lab is an elective mathematics course provided to students as a supplemental course to support the student’s knowledge of prerequisite skills and academic language that is required in order to successfully access the standards-based Common Core Geometry course.
Common Core Algebra 2 Tutorial Lab (312617/312618)
This course is designed to provide foundational knowledge and intervention for students taking CC Algebra 2 and for students who are preparing to be enrolled in CC Algebra 2. The course is also used to provide intervention for the students who are enrolled in CC Algebra 2 but are experiencing difficulty in mastering the core standards and academic language of CC Algebra 2. CC Algebra 2 Tutorial Lab is an elective mathematics course provided to students as a second course to support the core CC Algebra 2 course. The course is designed to enhance the student’s knowledge of prerequisite skills and academic language that are needed to access the standards-based CC Algebra 2 course.
Engage NY curriculum modules are marked by in-depth focus on fewer topics. They integrate rigorous classroom reasoning, extended classroom time devoted to practice and reflection through extensive problem sets, and high expectations for mastery.ST Math is game-based instructional software for K-12 and is designed to boost math comprehension and proficiency through visual learning. Schools must purchase licenses with school based funds.