Adult Education Salary Allocation
Effective school year 2003-2004, Division of Adult and Career Education teachers must be paid for 734 hours and complete 30 hours of staff development to be eligible for step advancement. Hours in adult and career class codes paid on the THR salary table during the regular school year including substitute hours count for step advancement purposes. Hours paid on the THR salary table during summer school or “Z” basis do not count toward Step Advancement.
To determine eligibility for step advancement:
The total number of hours from all qualifying class codes will be added together for the previous school year or two previous consecutive school years.*
The hours will be counted beginning July 1st through June 30th for each qualifying school year. Note that hours taught during summer school do not count.
*Two consecutive school years is the maximum number of qualifying years that may be aggregated for step advancement purposes.
Effective July 1, 2023, Adult Education and CTE teachers shall be eligible for Master’s and Doctorate degree differentials.
For questions about salary step advancement, contact Adult Salary Allocations at (213) 241-4952. -
Alonzo Cienfuegos
Coordinator(213) 241-4952 (8AM-5PM)
Fax (213) 241-8988adultandcareered@lausd.net
333 S. Beaudry Avenue,
15th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017
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