What are the requirements for Adult Ed Teachers to advance on the THR salary table?
Posted by:Effective July 1, 2003, all employees paid on the Teachers Hourly Rate (THR) Salary Table interested in Step Advancement must submit a written request (form HR-1903), work 734 hours, and complete 30 hours of Staff Development in one or two consecutive (must qualify) school years. The working hours include regular and substitute hours but exclude summer hours.
Can substitute teachers apply for a Step Advance?
Posted by:Teachers in substitute assignments are paid on a Flat Hourly Rate and are ineligible to advance on the salary table.
When are the Applications for Step Advancement due?
Posted by:Teachers who will meet all of the requirements in one year must submit the Application for Step Advancement and all required documents by June 15.
Teachers who will not meet the 734 working hours in one year must submit the Application for Step Advancement by April 15 and declare which two (2) consecutive school years will be combined.
How many hours must I be assigned to meet the working requirement for Step Advancement?
Posted by:It is estimated that Adult and Career Education teachers with regular assignments totaling 18 or more hours per week will meet the working requirement in one year. All other teachers working less than 18 hours may need two consecutive school years to meet the working requirement.
What will happen if the application arrives after the due date?
Posted by:Application materials received after the April 15 or June 15 deadlines will be returned to sender for submission in the following school year.
Can application materials be submitted via fax?
Posted by:The Adult and Career Salary Allocation Unit will only accept original documents for Step Advancement.
If a teacher does not apply for Step Advancement, will the Step Advance occur automatically?
Posted by:Adult and Career Education Teachers who do not apply for Step Advancement will not automatically receive a Step Advance.
What information is needed on certificates provided for Step Advancement?
Posted by:Certificates of completion must have the name of the sponsor, the name of the employee, the date and time of the activity, the numbers of hours, and the original signatures.
Copies of certificates are not acceptable for Staff Development activities.
Additionally, sign in sheets, grade reports, and other non-verifiable documents are not acceptable as verification of Staff Development activities for Step Advancement credit.
When must the Staff Development activities be completed?
Posted by:The dates of the Staff Development activities must coincide with the school year or two consecutive schools on the application.
What activities may be used for Step Advancement credit?
Posted by:Staff Development activities that may be used for Step Advancement include but are not limited to the following:
• College coursework - the coursework must be related to the teaching assignment - use the CW form
• Conducting a demonstration lesson - use the D form
• Attendance at a conference, workshop or seminar - use the CA form
• Presentation at a conference, workshop or seminar has a max of 5 presenters and is worth 10 hours regardless of length - use the CW form
• Classroom observations - use the O form
• Attendance at the LAUSD Professional Development Branch classes - use the CA form
• Level I and Level II - use the CA form
• Peer Observations: Max = 10 hours if on Step0A and 5 hours if on Step0B - use the O form
• Development of course outlines requires approval from Central office Subject Supervisors - use the CA form and attach letter from subject supervisor regarding activity
To obtain the referenced forms above, please visit https://www.lausd.org/Page/1540
Which documents are verifiable for Staff Development?
Posted by:Acceptable verifiable documents for Staff Development include original certificates of completion, dates, and times of completion.
Official transcripts must bear the embossed school seal and registrar's signature. Each document submitted for the Staff Development requirement must have the appropriate form signed by the employee and the principal.
Grade reports, sign in sheets, and photocopies of documents are unacceptable verification of Staff Development activities.
Is there any other type of coursework that will also meet the Staff Development requirement?
Posted by:Any other coursework undertaken to meet the Staff Development Requirement must be related to the teaching assignment. A CW form will be required to submit and official transcripts.
The conversion chart of units to hours is as follows:
1 Semester Unit = 30 hours of Staff Development
1 1/2 quarter units = 30 hours of Staff Development
3 Continuing Education Units = 30 hours of Staff Development
Does Level I & II credential coursework meet the Staff Development requirement for Step Advancement?
Posted by:All of the Level I and Level II coursework undertaken to fulfill credential clearance requirements will fullfil the Staff Development requirement.
Note: Coursework must be completed within the year on which the teacher is applying for step advancement.
Can a teacher receive Step Advance credit for online classes if it is related to the assignment?
Posted by:All college coursework must have sufficient instructor face to face or electronic mode of live communication contact to be eligible for Step Advancement credit. Programs that rely predominantly on print-based correspondence without e-mail lesson options are generally denied.
Can the teacher keep the certificates earned for Staff Development?
Posted by:The Adult and Career Salary Allocation Unit can make copies of the original documents for our files and return to teacher upon request.
Can a teacher receive Step Advancement if the District reimburses or pays for any activity?
Posted by:All Staff Development activities undertaken for Step Advancement credit must be performed during unpaid, unassigned time.
Activities, observations, workshops or study undertaken to fulfill the Staff Development requirement for Step Advancement credit shall not be granted if the teacher is in paid status, receives tuition reimbursement, or any other reimbursement/compensation from the District.
Are new teachers rated in the Teacher Hourly Rate table?
Posted by:The beginning hourly rate for all Adult and Career Education teachers is Step0A of the THR Salary Table regardless of their education level or teacher experience. Teachers may not skip steps on the THR Salary Table.
Is it possible for teachers to skip steps?
Posted by:Teachers paid on the THR salary table may only advance one-step per school year or one-step per two consecutive school years (if qualify). Teachers may not skip steps.
What must a teacher do to move from step THR03 to step THR04?
Posted by:Teachers who are currently on Step 03 of the THR salary table and are interested in advancing to Step 04 must first apply for Step Advancement. The teacher must work 734 hours in each year of the ten (10) consecutive years and complete 30 hours of staff Development activities during the five (5) years immediately preceding the tenth year.
Where can a teacher obtain the Step Advancement forms?
Posted by:Teachers may obtain the forms online. Please visit our webpage Adult Salary Allocation Forms
Is there a manual for Step Advancement?
Posted by:Yes, you can obtain a copy of the manual online or by clicking the following Professional Development manual
Maria Sotomayor
Director(213) 241-4953 (8AM-5PM)
333 S. Beaudry Avenue,
15th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017