Expanded Opportunities Learning Program

LAUSD Expanded Opportunities Learning Program
(ELO-P) Plan

  • The Los Angeles Unified School District submitted a comprehensive ELO-P plan to the California Department of Education (CDE) that addressed the five programmatic areas outlined in the application. In addition to addressing the programmatic areas identified by CDE, our plan also aligns with the LAUSD Strategic Plan.

    The alignment of the District's Plan to the intent of the State and its strategic plan ensures that the funds utilized will address the program goals of LAUSD and the ELO-Program. The table below highlights the alignment between the State's objectives of the ELO-P program and the priorities of LAUSD. To view the District's plan click the LAUSD ELO-P Plan link.

    Academic Excellence


    High-Quality Instruction

    Opportunity for students to engage with quality staff 

    Enriching Experiences

    Safe and Supporting Environments (on and off-site)

    Active and engaged learning that supports or supplements but does not duplicate instructional day

    Eliminating Opportunity Gaps

    Skill Building

    Opportunity for all students to experience diversity, access, and equity

    College and Career Readiness

    Students engage in youth voice and leadership

    Joy and Wellness

    Students will be served nutritious meals and/or snacks during ELO-P

    Engagement and Collaboration

    Accessible Information

    Collaborative Partnerships (outside the LEA)

DOI-ELOP plan image