- Los Angeles Unified School District
- HRDE Affirming Book Distribution
Affirming Books
In the spring of 2021 the office of Human Relations, Diversity & Equity (HRDE) teamed up with non-profit Open Books to provide 16 welcoming and affirming books to every elementary school within Los Angeles Unified School District. Please explore the various affirming books and coinciding resources that HRDE has had the privilege of curating with the help of LAUSD Library Services, and HRC's Welcoming Schools.
National Day of Reading: A Celebration of Stories Supporting Transgender and Non-Binary Youth
In 2016, an anti-LGBTQ+ hate group forced a school in Wisconsin to cancel plans to read “I am Jazz” in support of a transgender student. In response, more than 600 residents in a town of less than 8,000 showed up at a public reading organized by a parent to show the students that the community had their back.
Every year, in honor of the Mount Horeb community’s allyship, communities across the country join HRCF's Welcoming Schools program for its annual National Day of Reading: A Celebration of Stories Supporting Transgender and Non-Binary Youth.
The Office of Human Relations, Diversity & Equity has been proud to facilitate a live-stream webinar of the event at one of our LAUSD Elementary Schools annually since 2022. Below, please find the books and Educator
Book Lists & Lesson Plans from National Day of Reading
2024: LAUSD's 3rd Annual National Day of Reading - 47,000 Beads
2023 LAUSD's 2nd Annual National Day of Reading - Red
Red has a bright red label, but he is, in fact, blue. His teacher tries to help him be red (let’s draw strawberries!) and his mother tries to help him be red by sending him out on a playdate with a yellow classmate (go draw a nice orange!). He just can’t be red, no matter how hard he tries! Finally, a brand-new friend offers a brand-new perspective. Age range: 4-8 years
Lesson Plan from Welcoming Schools
Department Contact
Judy Chiasson, Ph.D
Office email: humanrelations@lausd.net
Phone: (213) 241-0754
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