• F2S n Harvest


    Café LA Harvest! Connecting local California produce served to students in the cafeteria with nutrition resources for students, teachers, and parents

    Café LA Harvest is an initiative to include more local California produce in our school menus. This initiative helps support local economies and farmers while exposing our students to the benefits of delicious, fresh, farm-to-school fruits and vegetables.  Café LA Harvest features a monthly special at lunch on Thursdays that is reinforced and includes educational resources for teachers and students that make learning and eating local produce a more exciting and enjoyable experience.  


    Welcome to our Farm to School Program!
    This exciting initiative connects our students with fresh, locally sourced produce and educational opportunities about agriculture. Through partnerships with local farms, we bring nutritious, seasonal foods into our school cafeterias and classrooms. Our program not only supports the local economy but also fosters healthy eating habits and an appreciation for sustainable food practices. Join us in cultivating a brighter, healthier future for our children!

  • Hand-picked and locally farmed!
    Download the Flyer and Activity Sheet HERE.


    Download the Flyer HERE!



    Locally farmed in Fallbrook, CA in Dickinson Family Farms!
    For more information about kiwis and the farmer, CLICK HERE.

    Apple Crunch

    Cuyama Orchards enjoys the ideal microclimate for growing sweet, crunchy, juicy apples that are bursting with flavor.

    Download the Flyer and Activity Sheet HERE!

    Grapes 2024

    Locally harvested in Critchley Family Farms! 
    They have the best of both worlds: the flavor of Concord grapes and the seedless form of Thompson Seedless.

    Get more fun information HERE


    Satsuma 1

    This unique tangerine species is native to Japan, but its delectable attributes have made it a global sensation.

    CLICK HERE to download and print the flyer and activity sheet.

100% of the yams being served to our LAUSD student community come from Yagi Brothers Produce Farm located in Livingston, California!
Click Here to download and print the flyer.


Check out the farmer's information flyers below, the activity sheet and flyer for Apple Crunch Day posted above:

Apple Crunch Day - Farmer Information

Apple Crunch Day - Farmer Information

Apple Crunch Day - Word Search

Apple Crunch Day - Flyer

Farm-to-School Flyers F2S

Blood Orange Flyer 

Pixie Tangerine Flyer


March - Grapes



Download the FlyerKUMQUATS

Download the Flyer - Grapes


Grapes Nutritional Information


Educational Materials for
Parents and Teachers 



May - Leafy Greens

April - California Strawberries



Download the Flyer - Leafy Greens

Download the Flyer - California Strawberries

Leafy Greens - Nutritional Information

California Strawberries - Nutritional Information

Educational Materials for
Parents and Teachers 

Educator Newsletter

 Family Newsletter

Student Activity Sheet 


Educational Materials for
Parents and Teachers 

Educator Newsletter

 Family Newsletter

Student Activity Sheet 

March - Cara Cara Oranges

February - Rainbow Carrots

Cara RainBow Carrots
Download the Flyer - Cara Cara Oranges

Download the Flyer - Rainbow Carrots

Cara Cara Oranges - Nutritional Information


Educational Materials for
Parents and Teachers 

Educator Newsletter

 Family Newsletter

Student Activity Sheet 

Cara Cara Oranges Grower Information

Educational Materials for
Parents and Teachers 

Educator Newsletter

 Family Newsletter

Student Activity Sheet 

Rainbow Carrots Grower Information

January - Mandarin

 December - Tropical Coleslaw


Trop Coleslaw 

Download the Flyer - Mandarin 

Download the Recipe - Tropical Coleslaw

Mandarin - Nutritional Information

Tropical Coleslaw - Nutritional Information

Educational Materials for
Parents and Teachers 

Educator Newsletter

 Family Newsletter

Student Activity Sheet 

Mandarin Grower Information

Watch this Short Video

Educational Materials for
Parents and Teachers 

Educator Newsletter

 Family Newsletter 

Community Newsletter 

November - Persimmons 

September - Pluots 



Download the Flyer - Persimmons

Download the Flyer Pluots

Persimmons - Nutritional Information

 Pluots - Nutritional Information 

Educational Materials for
Parents and Teachers 

Educator Newsletter

 Family Newsletter 

Community Newsletter