Food Services
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- Los Angeles Unified School District
- About Us
The Food Services Division of LAUSD
Café LA operates one of the largest School Breakfast Programs and the second largest National School Lunch Program in the United States. We serve over 530,000 meals each day, which include a healthy breakfast, lunch and supper after school. Under California's Universal Meals Program, all students can get breakfast and lunch free of charge daily. Our mission is “Nourishing Children to Achieve Excellence” and Café LA accomplishes this through various meal programs, multiple student-approved menu choices that provide healthy nutrients and energy to support the academic and physical growth of children. LAUSD is a Community Eligibility Program District, where more than 81% of students qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Food Services plays a vital role in providing nutritional support to many students whose main source of nourishment may be Café LA.
About Us
Students are our #1 customer and Café LA uses their feedback to create menus that appeal to students. Our digital YumYummi App provides the menu listings for each school along with nutritional and allergen information. At food testing meetings, students evaluate new food items and the Food Services Division only includes items that are student approved.
Our mascot, Café LA Ray, routinely visits schools and students across the District to provide nutrition education and reinforce healthy lifestyles. Café LA’s Hot Supper is another initiative to support students after the bell.
Café LA | LAUSD recently introduced its first food truck to promote school meals to students; three additional trucks will be acquired in 2023-24 to serve all District schools.
Our menus offer a variety of options that include vegan and vegetarian options daily at all schools.
Top 10 Facts About Café LA
- Serves over 100 million meals a year, which includes over
- 225,000 breakfasts per day
- 255,000 lunches per day
- 45,000 supper and snack meals per day
- 240,000 summer meals per day
- Plans meals in compliance with the United States Department of Agriculture and California Department of Education nutrition standards
- Supports the District’s Good Food Procurement Resolution that supports a regional food system that is ecologically sound, economically viable, and socially responsible.
- Offer multiple daily options which include vegan and vegetarian choices
- Implemented the Save-It-For-Later program in schools to minimize food waste by allowing students to save non-perishable food items to eat outside the meal service period
- Free breakfast and lunch at all schools under California's Universal Meals Policy
- Free hot supper for all at schools with the Hot Supper Program
- Have a digital platform, YumYummi, where menus can be easily accessed on mobile devices
- Host food tasting events bi-annually to solicit student input on menu choices
- Every elementary school features a fresh fruit and vegetable bar daily to help students develop healthy eating habits
- Serves over 100 million meals a year, which includes over
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