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Q. My school does not have any images in MiSiS – how can I have my student images uploaded to MiSiS?

  1. If the school has an agreement with a photography vendor, the vendor must have the following in place in order to start uploading photos:
    1. Active SSO account
    2. Active VPN access
    3. Registered as a vendor within the Photo Portal - Refer to Vendor Registration to Photo Portal job aid for more information
    4. School Principal has granted vendor access to Photo Portal - Refer to Granting Access to Photo Vendors and Designee job aid

    If the vendor needs to register for an SSO account or VPN access, contact the MiSiS helpdesk (213-241-5200, option 5) and provide them with the name and contact information of your photography vendor.

    The Principal, or Designee, can also access the Photo Portal to upload images throughout the year.  Refer to the Photo Upload of Student Images job aid for more information.