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    Workers Compensation

     Workers' Compensation

    The workers' compensation program in lausd offers state-mandated benefits to employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses without fault. Being self-insured, Lausd covers the actual costs of claims instead of using an insurance company. A third-party administrator is hired to handle workers' compensation claims on behalf of the district.
    The workers' compensation department is dedicated to providing timely and compassionate support to lausd employees affected by work-related injuries or illnesses. Our commitment involves delivering exceptional care and aiding in their recovery with honesty, transparency, and fairness under the workers’ compensation legislation. By promoting effective communication and collaboration, we aim to assist our employees in their recovery process. Our primary objective is to cultivate a supportive environment where employees can return to work motivated and productive, ensuring the success of our students and the lausd community.

    Please send your inquiry or request via e-mail to workerscompensation@lausd.net, or contact the workers’ compensation claims processing specialist assigned to your region (refer to the idm contact list).

  • Can I speak to an investigator who contacts our worksite to request an interview of all witnesses and identified pertinent information?

  • If you are off work for an accepted work-related injury, how will you get paid?

  • If you are off work for a work-related injury, how much will you get paid?

  • What if a doctor refuses to sign the Pre-Designation Form?

  • Why is your illness being used and after they are used, do you get the hours restored to your illness time?

  • When I am injured at work, who do I advise of my injury?

  • Is my work site allowed to contact me after I acquire legal representation (an attorney)?

  • Does an injured employee have to be 100% recovered prior to returning to work?

  • If a school volunteer is injured at work, are they covered under worker's compensation?

  • After my injury is reported to the Third-Party Administrator, how do I contact my claims examiner with the Third-Party Administrator?

  • Where can you go for medical treatment for your work-related stress injury?

  • Should medical appointments related to claims be scheduled during work hours?

  • You may be entitled to 60 days of Salary Continuation if you attend a medical appointment.

  • Should I report a claim that I think is suspicious?

  • Is it ever permissible for an employee to work elsewhere while they are off of work at the District due to a worker's compensation injury?