• Can I speak to an investigator who contacts our worksite to request an interview of all witnesses and identified pertinent information?

  • If you are off work for an accepted work-related injury, how will you get paid?

  • If you are off work for a work-related injury, how much will you get paid?

  • What if a doctor refuses to sign the Pre-Designation Form?

  • Why is your illness being used and after they are used, do you get the hours restored to your illness time?

  • When I am injured at work, who do I advise of my injury?

  • Is my work site allowed to contact me after I acquire legal representation (an attorney)?

  • Does an injured employee have to be 100% recovered prior to returning to work?

  • If a school volunteer is injured at work, are they covered under worker's compensation?

  • After my injury is reported to the Third-Party Administrator, how do I contact my claims examiner with the Third-Party Administrator?

  • Where can you go for medical treatment for your work-related stress injury?

  • Should medical appointments related to claims be scheduled during work hours?

  • You may be entitled to 60 days of Salary Continuation if you attend a medical appointment.

  • Should I report a claim that I think is suspicious?

  • Is it ever permissible for an employee to work elsewhere while they are off of work at the District due to a worker's compensation injury?

  • If your worksite receives a worker's compensation legal document, who do you direct the document to?

  • What am I allowed to ask an injured employee about their work-related injury?

  • If you received a medical bill from a doctor's office for an existing worker's compensation claim?

  • Who do I contact if I am not satisfied with the services provided by my claims adjuster?

  • Is there a co-payment for worker's compensation doctor's visits?

  • Is there mileage reimbursement for medical treatment for an accepted work-related injury or illness?

  • Is a worker's compensation injury/leave considered a protected absence?

  • What if an injured employee does not want to file a claim?

  • What if an injured employee does not want to see a doctor?

  • If you exhaust all of your illness and vacation time, can you be separated from employment from the District?

  • Can a disciplinary action proceed if an employee files a worker's compensation claim during the disciplinary process?