Child Abuse Awareness Training (CAAT)

  • Los Angeles Unified School District teachers, administrators, and staff who educate and care for students face constant challenges when trying to help keep children safer in today's fast-paced world. This site offers easy-to-use child abuse training resources to help address these challenges.

    Abuse of children across the world occurs on a staggering scale. It is estimated that 40,000,000 children are abused each year.

    Much more can be done to protect them, which is why this website, offers LAUSD teachers and administrators a set of tools to help children be safer.

Resources for Employees

Resources for Parents and Employees

  • Disclaimer:  This page of the Los Angeles Unified School District's web site identifies resources and links to other web sites that would appear useful for our readers. The opinions expressed on these pages are solely those of the host web site and not necessarily those of the Los Angeles Unified School District. Any advertising presented on these pages is solely the responsibility of the host site and not the Los Angeles Unified School District. Such references and links do not constitute any endorsement by the Los Angeles Unified School District of the products or services of those enterprises.


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