Business and Finance Division

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    Chris D. Mount-Benites
    Chief Financial Officer



    333 South Beaudry Avenue, 26th Fl
    Los Angeles, CA 90017



    Fax: 213-241-6813


    Mission Statement

    The Business and Finance Division partners with all other LAUSD groups to support the District's academic objectives while also maintaining the appropriate fiduciary roles expected by the District's taxpayers.


  • LAUSD Budget Transparency Resolution Feedback

    Budget Feedback QR

  • uperintendent Strategic Plan icon

    2022 - 26 Superintendent Strategic Plan


    The mission of the Controller's Department is to exercise stringent oversight of the district's financial resources, adhering to generally accepted accounting principles and ensuring compliance with local, state, and federal regulations.icon

    Controller's Department


    The Mission of Budget and Financial Planning Department is to accurately provide the schools, students, the community, the administration and the Board of Education with Budget, Financial Planning, and related services that maximize, distribute, and safeguard the resources available to carry out the educational and support activities of the District.Budget icon

    Budget & Financial Planning


    The Mission of the Procurement Services Department is to provide schools and administrative offices with goods and services they need - when they need them. In doing this, we must ensure procurement laws are followed and the District achieves the most cost effective prices for goods and services.
    Procurement icon

    Procurement Services


     Annual Financial Reports icon

    Risk Management


    Our mission is to support the educational community by providing quality customer service to ensure reliable, accurate and timely compensation. We take pride in our continuous focus on the ever-changing needs of our customers to improve processes and accountability while fostering trust among the people we serve. Payroll icon



Budget Transparency