• Medical Opt-Out/Cash-Back

    Employees who qualify for District’s health benefits, but do not wish to be covered by the medical health plan may waive coverage and receive cash annually.  This amount is considered taxable income and will be paid by installments on applicable paychecks.

    Cash back annual amount for Active Employees is: $3,000.

    Cash back annual amount for TA's and Playground Aides is: $1,500.

    Tip: If an employee and their spouse/domestic partner both work for the District, one may elect the opt-out/cash-back plan and be covered as a dependent under the other’s election.

    When enrolling in the Medical Opt-Out/Cash-Back plan, you must attest annually that you and your eligible dependents have “minimum essential coverage” through a group health plan and that the minimum essential coverage is not from an individual market coverage such as Covered California.

    Required to complete and submit a Medical Opt-Out/Cash-Back Attestation in addition to your Health Benefits Enrollment form. This form can be found in the Forms/Publications page.

    *If you do not submit an attestation form, you will not receive the monthly opt-out/cash-back amount.

    Medical Opt-Out/Cash-Back plan is not permanent.  Employees may choose to enroll during the annual Open Enrollment period or because of a qualifying major life event.