- Los Angeles Unified School District
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- Region East
Region: East
School Name: Academic Leadership Community @ Contreras
Region: East
School Name: Nava College Preparatory Academy
Region: East
School Name: School of Business & Tourism @ Contreras
Region: East
School Name: Garvanza ES
Region: East
School Name: Torres East Los Angeles Performing Arts Magnet
Region: East
School Name: East Los Angeles Renaissance Academy @ Torres
Region: East
School Name: Engineering & Technology Academy @ Torres
Region: East
School Name: Humanitas Academy of Arts & Technology (HAAT) @ Torres
Local District: East
School Name: Huntington Park Institute of Applied Medicine (HPIAM) @ Marquez
Region: East
School Name: LIBRA Academy @ Marquez
Region: East
School Name: School of Social Justice @ Marquez
Region: East
School Name: Social Justice & Leadership Academy @ Torres
Region: East
School Name: Walnut Park MS STEM
Region: East
School Name: Lucille Roybal-Allard ES - Region North
Region: North
School Name: Balboa Gifted/High Ability Magnet
Region: North
School Name: ARTES Magnet @ Cesar Chavez
Region: North
School Name: Francis Polytechnic
Region: North
School Name: Social Justice Humanitas Academy @ Cesar Chavez
Region: North
School Name: San Fernando Institute of Applied Media @ San Fernando MS - Region South
Region: South
School Name: (The) Academies of Education & Empowerment @ Carson
Region: South
School Name: Academy of Medical Arts @ Carson
Region: South
School Name: Communication & Technology School @ Diego Rivera
Region: South
School Name: Green Design STEAM Academy at Diego Rivera
Region: South
School Name: Humanities & Arts Academy of Los Angeles (HARTS) @ Narbonne
Region: South
School Name: Performing Arts Community School @ Diego Rivera
Region: South
School Name: Public Service Community School @ Diego Rivera - Region West
Region: West
School Name: Ambassador School of Global Leadership @ RFK
Region: West
School Name: School for the Visual Arts & Humanities @ RFK
Region: West
School Name: Ambassador School of Global Education @ RFK
Region: West
School Name: Los Angeles High School of the Arts @ RFK
Region: West
School Name: New Open World (Now) Academy @ RFK
Region: West
School Name: UCLA Community School @ RFK
Region: West
School Name: Baldwin Hills EL & Gifted/HA Magnet