- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Dual Language
Master Plan Programs
Master Plan DLE Options
The Los Angeles Unified School District’s 2018 Master Plan for English Learners (ELs) and Standard English Learners (SELs) lays out the district’s vision for educating our culturally and linguistically diverse students, including increasing dual language education (DLE) programming to provide opportunities for all students in the District to become bilingual and biliterate.
Instructional Program Type
Dual Language Education (see image below) refers to the programs that provide grade-level content and literacy instruction to all students through two languages—English and the target language. In a One-Way dual language education program, all of the students in the class share the same language background; for example, all native speakers of English, or all native speakers of Spanish. In Two-Way programs, approximately half of students are native speakers of the partner language and the other half are native speakers of English. In a World Language Immersion program, 100% the students are English native speakers, Initial Fluent Proficient, and/or Standard English Learners.
Instructional Program Model
The instructional models are defined by the percentages of target language and English instruction that will be delivered during the school day in the initial grades, with the target language percentage being listed first. The three different instructional models are listed below:
A. 50/50 Instructional Model
Students in this instructional model receive 50% of their daily instruction in the target language and 50% in English. English and the target language are used equally for rigorous, standards-based instruction in language arts and all content areas. Students are expected to meet grade level standards in both languages. ELs participating in the program are required to receive designated English language development (dELD) and continue in the dual language program after attaining proficiency in English.
B. 70/30 Instructional Model
Students in this instructional model receive rigorous, standards-based
instruction in language arts and all content areas delivered 70% in the target language and 30% in English in TK or kindergarten. Students are expected to meet grade level content standards in both languages. Each year the amount
of English instruction increases until the proportion becomes 50% target language and 50% English. When the instruction reaches the 50/50 proportion, it continues as 50/50 for the duration of the elementary program. ELs participating in the program are required to receive designated English language development (dELD) and continue in the dual language program after attaining proficiency in English.
C. 90/10 Instructional Model
Students in this instructional model receive rigorous, standards-based instruction in language arts and all content areas delivered 90% in the target language and 10% in English in TK or kindergarten. Students are expected to meet grade level content standards in both languages. Each year the amount of English instruction increases until the proportion becomes 50% target language and 50% English When the instruction reaches the 50/50 proportion, it will continue as 50/50 for the duration of the program. ELs participating in the program are required to receive designated English language development (dELD) and continue in the dual language program after attaining proficiency in English.
Elementary Instructional Models Currently Implemented in LAUSD
Instructional Program Teaching Arrangements
Teaching arrangements are established based on the number of classes per grade-level and available teachers with the appropriate language authorization. The following are the two prescribed arrangements:
A. Self-Contained Teaching Arrangement
In the DLE self-contained teaching arrangement, students receive instruction in both the target language and in English from one program teacher.
B. Team-Teaching Arrangement
When two DLE classes can be formed, a team-teaching arrangement can be implemented. In the DLE team-teaching arrangement, students receive target language instruction from one program teacher and English instruction from another program teacher.
DLE Teaching Arrangements
Master Plan Resources
Click on image for Master Plan for English Learners and Standard English Learners
Master Plan Instructional Program Options Brochure for Parents of English Learners:
2019-2020 Elementary Instructional Program Options for English Learners - English and Spanish.pdf
2019-2020 Elementary Instructional Program Options for English Learners - English and Korean.pdf
2019-2020 Elementary Instructional Program Options English and Chinese Simplified.pdf
2019-2020 Elementary Instructional Program Options English and Chinese Traditional
2019-2020 Secondary Instructional Program Options for English Learners - English and Korean.pdf
2019-2020 Secondary Instructional Program Options for English Learners - English and Spanish.pdf
2019-2020 Secondary Instructional Program Options English and Chinese Traditional.pdf
2019-2020 Secondary Instructional Program English and Chinese Simplified.pdf
Master Plan Instructional Program Options Videos for Parents of English Learners: