• Dual Language Education Programs


Dual Language Education Pathways

  • Research has shown that the duration of a dual language program is essential to our students developing high levels of language proficiency and academic achievement. Our goal is for our students to develop native-like fluency and attain grade-level standards by the time they leave 12th grade. The most successful outcomes in language and content knowledge occur among learners that receive instructional support over a longer period of time. Furthermore, researchers have found that sustained and consistent dual language instruction benefits both English learners and native English speakers, and leads to achievement measured in English that is similar to or higher than that of matched groups who were in English mainstream programs (e.g., August, McCardle, & Shanahan, 2014;Genesee et al., 2006; Howard, Christian, & Genesee, 2004; Jepsen, 2009; Lindholm-Leary & Genesee,2010; Steele et al., 2017; Thomas & Collier, 2012; Thompson, 2015; Umansky & Reardon, 2014). 

    Please click on the following link to see how Local District West is developing its dual language education pathways for our communities of schools:  LD West DLE Pathways