- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Earning Salary Points
Earning Salary Points with PAR Professional Development
All PAR PD Workshops provide six hours of professional development. After our office verifies full attendance and participation in the workshop (including completion of the evaluation survey), participants will be able to download a certificate on MyPLN verifying the date and duration of the training. 30 hours of approved professional development can be used for salary point credit; the professional development can be taken from multiple sources (not just PAR.)Follow the steps below:
- Download an LAUSD NA form here: LAUSD Salary Allocation Forms Page
- Follow the directions on the NA form.
- As attachments to the NA form, for each PAR PD Workshop:
- Look in your Completed or Archived transcript in MYPLN.
- Download the certificate of completion for the workshop.
- Select View Training Details and download or screenshot the workshop description for the session (which includes dates and times.)
Please note that while PAR PD workshops may be retaken, they may only be retaken towards salary point credit five years after the first time the workshop was taken for credit (see LAUSD/UTLA Contract, Article XV Section 1.2c).
Christopher Ikeanyi, Ed.D
(213) 241-5501
333 S. Beaudry Avenue,
14th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017