- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Career Ladder Forums
Career Ladder Forums
Saturday, March 20, 2021
The Career Ladder Virtual Forum is set for Saturday, March 20, 2021.
2021 Career Ladder Forum: Zoomin' Up the Ladder
Thank you to all those who attended, presented and supporters our first virtual Forum!
The Forum will be via ZOOM, so get your coffee and donuts ready to curl up on the couch for a morning of fantastic workshops to help you in becoming a teacher or school nurse.
Sponsors: Thank you to our generous sponsors!
2018 STEP UP Fall Forum: Steb By Step
The 2018 STEP UP Fall Forum was held Saturday, November 3, 2018 at Edison Middle School.
The 160 paraeducators and classified staff in attendance were able to choose from 15 workshop topics to learn about becoming an effective teacher.
Click the image above for more photos of the days events (or click here: https://www.lausd.org/Page/15490)
2018 STEP UP Spring Forum: STEP UP Your Game
2017 STEP UP Fall Forum: Small Steps, Big Changes
The 2017 STEP UP Fall Forum: Small Steps, Big Changes was held on Satruday, November 4, 2017 at Hamilton High School.
Acting Superintendent Vivian Ekchian kicked off the event with words of encouragment for the approximately 200 aspiring teachers in attendance.
Thank you to California Credit Union for the continued support in sponsoring the breakfast.
Lakeshore Learning and Oriental Trading Company also provided small donations in support of the event.
2016 STEP UP Spring Forum: Taking a Step Forward
The 2016 STEP UP Spring Forum was held on Saturday, April 30, 2016 from 8:00 AM AM - 12:30 PM at the Alfonso B. Perez Career and Transition Center (CTC).The STEP UP Spring Forum: Taking a Step Forward provided a meaningful learning experiences for the 160 paraeducators in attendance. Monica Garcia, District Board Member, welcomed attendees with a motivational stretch and inspiring words. Other influential speakers included Justo Avila and Lydia Acosta Stephens.
Paraprofessionals in attendance participated in three workshops. Some of the workshops were designed to assist in the transition from a paraprofessional to a Special Education teacher or Related Services Provider. Other sessions were composed of skill building and valuable information as an assistant in the Special Education setting. The feedback we have received has been overwhelmingly positive!
Perez CTC students set up a photo booth with props at the event as a fundraiser for the school. The photo booth was created and operated by Perez CTC students. The STEP UP Forum helped to raise $268 for the school! These funds go directly to the school site to help support the CTC program which focuses on the development of leadership and work-based experiences.
2015 - 2016 STEP UP and Teach cohort in attendance at the 2016 Spring ForumTo see the rest of the pictures of the event, click here.
2015 STEP UP Fall Forum: A Step in the Right Direction
The first STEP UP Forum: A Step in the Right Direction was held on Saturday, December 5, 2015 at California State University, Dominguez Hills.
Over 100 attendees were able to attend workshops providing information for paraeducators and those interested in becoming teachers.
Click here to see photos from the event: https://www.lausd.org/Page/10419
Miguel Garza
(213) 241- 4571
(Career Ladder)
(Teacher Assistants)Address:
333 S. Beaudry Avenue,
15th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017