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Using Forms and Surveys
Now that most of us have successfully moved our web content to the new Centricity platform, it's time to start retiring those old paper-based forms and taking advantage of the Forms and Surveys tool built right into the Centricity2. Here are a few things to remember:
To view data for an active survey, follow these steps:
- Forms and Surveys are housed at the section level. To access the tool from the site manager, click the Tools tab when in the section workspace. The Forms and Surveys item is at the top of the right-hand column.
- The forms and surveys workspaces generally open in separate pop-up windows. The tool works like most other popular cloud-based form tools, such as Google Docs forms and Survey Monkey.
View a detailed guide from SchoolWires on using the forms and surveys tool - In order to view the survey or link to it from a page or menu, the survey must be active. Simply click the Active/Inactive icon in the status column to the left of your survey name. To view the survey, click View on the right. Once open, the survey URL is what you use to link to it.
- Note that all surveys are set to expire in a short amount of time by default. Select Options for a survey using the button to the right and locate the Start and End dates near the bottom of the page on the General tab.
To view data for an active survey, follow these steps:
- When in the section workspace, click the Tools tab.
- Click Forms and Surveys (top item on in the right-hand column).
- Click on the Reports tab and then select a survey from the drop down list. For now there is only one form in this particular section, but you still have to select it to view its data.
- A new window will pop up with access to the form data. The default view is a list of responses, from whom, and when they came in. You can select the View button to the right of any response to see the data recorded for that record and then from there browse back and forth using the blue arrows at the top. You can also go directly to this view by clicking the Individual Responses button on the landing page. You can select Export Data to have the system transform that information into a comma-separated-values or format that you choose (excel and SPSS formats are available…I recommend SPSS condensed if you want the data to be in the standard 2-dimensional columns=fields and rows=records output.