Updated Parent's Guide, IEP and You, and Search and Serve Publications

The District has updated three important special education publications that are provided to parents as part of the special education process.
1. The Parent’s Guide to Special Education Services (Including Procedural Rights and Safeguards) contains updated information including the IEP team meeting introductory statements, a list of District programs, supports, and services, updates to the special education dispute resolution options, and additional information on filing complaints.
Two of the MCD IEP Complaint corrective actions require the following:
(a) IEP teams are required to read aloud the IEP Team Meeting Introductory Statements, regardless of parent attendance. Note: These statements are now included in the Parent’s Guide. IEP teams are still required to read these statements aloud at all IEP team meetings.
(b) A list of programs, supports, and services must be provided to parents at the IEP team meeting when discussing a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) and prior to any determination of program placement. Note: IEP teams are to direct parents’ attention the new Programs, Supports, and Services section of the Parent’s Guide.
An optional use, supplemental handout labeled Programs, Supports, and Services is available in the Division of Special Education website Brochures and Guides section and in the Welligent Downloads section. This handout contains the same list of programs, supports, and services that is in the Parent’s Guide. Please see REF-6790.0 for additional information.
2. The IEP and You booklet includes a change in disability language from mental retardation to intellectual disability, an updated District website address https://www.lausd.org/sped, and the Division of Special Education Call Center phone number, (213) 241-6701.
3. The Are You Puzzled by Your Child’s Special Needs? brochure includes the Division of Special Education Call Center phone number, (213) 241-6701.
Beginning in mid-November 2016, forty copies in English and forty copies in Spanish of the revised A Parent’s Guide to Special Education (Including Procedural Rights and Safeguards) and fifty copies of the revised The IEP and You (English/Spanish) will automatically be delivered to schools. Upon receipt of these updated publications, schools and offices are to discard all older versions of the publications.
Information on how to order these publications throughout the school year from the General Stores is located in the following documents:REF-6790.0: Distribution of Revised Guide: A Parent’s Guide to Special Education Services (Including Procedural Rights and Safeguards), September 2016 and REF-6789.0: Distribution of Revised Booklet: The IEP and You, September 2016. To view or download the updated publications, please go to the Division of Special Education website, choose either the Families or the Employees link, and then select the link for Brochures and Guides. To view or download the reference guides, please go the Division of Special Education website, select the Employees link, and then select the link for eLibrary.
For more information, please contact Trina Foronda, Specialist, Division of Special Education, at (213) 241-6701.