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Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho Announces 100-Day Plan to Expand High-Quality Academic Opportunities at Los Angeles Unified School District (02-24-22)

Shannon Haber,

February 24, 2022

Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho Announces 100-Day Plan to Expand High-Quality Academic Opportunities at
Los Angeles Unified School District

LOS ANGELES (February 24, 2022) – Today, Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho announced a 100-Day Plan, influenced by key stakeholders, to complement the powerful work already underway at Los Angeles Unified. The action plan outlines how Los Angeles Unified will strategically expand high-quality academic opportunities, centered around Equity, Empowerment and Excellence, the District’s three core beliefs for education.

As presented in the 100-Day Plan, Los Angeles Unified will unapologetically address the persistent opportunity gaps disproportionately reflected in Black and Latinx communities, engage and acknowledge the many voices who have a vested interest in the success of the District and become a premier urban district in the country, by engaging in four key tasks: learn, assess, communicate and act. Each of the tasks will lay the foundation for a forthcoming Strategic Plan, a more expansive blueprint outlining an approach to meeting the needs of our diverse Los Angeles Unified communities over the next four years.

“I am here to accelerate the opportunities for our students to excel, thrive and reach their full academic potential, which are outlined in the 100-Day Plan,” Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho said. “It is time for us to intensify the focus on what is most important to our students, and those who support them every single day, to inspire a theory of action that turns the impossible into the inevitable for everyone in the Los Angeles Unified family.”

“Superintendent Carvalho's 100-Day Plan lays out an ambitious agenda, rooted in the voices of our community, toward realizing the promise of equitable and excellent public schools for all kids in Los Angeles,” Board President Kelly Gonez said. “His plan will take the critical steps to evaluate the state of our district and build a collaborative vision of success to meet immediate challenges and long-term goals.”

“I appreciate our new Superintendent putting forth a thoughtful plan that aligns with existing Board goals and focuses on listening to the needs of our communities, accelerating academic progress, and putting students at the center of our decisions,” Board Vice President Nick Melvoin said. “I look forward to working together to put this plan into action and realize a vision of opportunity and success for all our kids.”

“We look forward to the release of Superintendent Carvalho’s 100-Day Plan as he lays out the roadmap for his vision to lead our District,” Board Member Dr. George J. McKenna III said.

“Superintendent Carvalho’s 100-Day Plan is bold, aggressive and optimistic,” Board Member Mónica García said. “As we commemorate the 54th Anniversary of the East LA walkouts and the 75th anniversary of Mendez v. Westminster, our community is invited to lean into the work of advancing educational justice in Los Angeles. Please join us.”

“As we celebrate our public schools this week, I am hopeful and optimistic to be working with our new Superintendent and the experienced leadership that he brings to Los Angeles Unified,” Board Member Scott M. Schmerelson said. “Our students, their families, and our dedicated school staff have weathered unprecedented challenges for the last several years. They now deserve a sound plan going forward that supports success, values their contributions, and recognizes how essential our public schools are to the well-being of every community in Los Angeles.”

“Superintendent Carvalho’s 100-Day Plan transforms vision into action,” Board Member Jackie Goldberg said. “We can drive quality education by promoting best practices and innovation, fairly matching resources with needs and ensuring equity for our students. This is laid out beautifully in the plan, and I’m most hopeful of its success because of the Superintendent’s commitment to demand-driven actions and building broad support for our District.”

“Starting with strategic intention, Superintendent Carvalho and the leadership team have created a robust, yet long overdue, 100-Day Plan that is equity-focused, data-driven and student-centered at its core,” Board Member Tanya Ortiz Franklin said. “With this plan, Superintendent Carvalho has articulated his first steps to engage and lead alongside the communities he now has the privilege and responsibility to serve. I’m confident that this plan will reveal the quantitative—and qualitative data—needed to accelerate academic growth, social-emotional wellness and systemic solutions to achieve educational justice in Los Angeles Unified.”

The 100-Day Plan can be viewed online at

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