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Cognitively Guided Instruction "CGI" Support

What is CGI?

CGI word problem

Cognitively Guided instruction, or CGI, is based upon 30 years of research. It’s a framework that helps teachers to understand how children’s mathematical ideas develop, and provides an opportunity to build on the child’s own thinking and understanding. CGI is not a curriculum. CGI is not a lesson. CGI is a framework, a way of thinking about how children learn math that is research-based. The central theme of CGI is that children come to school with mathematical knowledge. Children develop their math understanding by solving a variety of problems in a way that makes sense to them. The children build their own understanding and inform other children, and the teacher, as they share their thinking. As a result, children build connections and relationships among the mathematical ideas so that the math makes sense to them, and the math is meaningful in their lives.

Here are some videos of CGI in action with teachers from LAUSD:

Kinder Video

Kinder Video


3rd Grade Video

3rd Grade Video


4/5 Grade Video

4th/5th Grade Video


Videos from the Online course Navigating the CGI Math Classroom:

The What and Why of CGI

The What and Why of CGI


Multiplication and Division

Multiplication and Division and CGI


Place Value

CGI and Place Value


Supporting Teachers with CGI

Supporting Teachers in CGI, Part 1

Supporting Teachers in CGI, Part 2

Resources and Links: