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     Workers' Comp  

    Medical Provider Network


    LAUSD has a state approved medical provider network (MPN). A MPN is a network of physicians, specialists, and providers created to deliver expert care to injured workers. All treatment for work related injuries /illnesses must be obtained from a physician within the MPN, unless an employee has pre-designated a treating physician prior to the injury.

  • Overview

    Accessing the network
    The District's Medical Provider Network (MPN) is the Sedgwick/Harbor MPN. There are over 12,000 providers in the Medical Provider Network to choose from. The network can be accessed by going to http://www.sedgwickproviders.com/campn1.
    To search the MPN:
    • Select the method of search: physician name, address search or region search
    • Input the State and zip code
    • Click "Find Provider" 

    Once in the network, follow the instruction to search providers by location, name or specialty.

    Access to Immediate care

    The attached MPN Referral Panel is a list by geographical area of first care facilities in the MPN that can see injured workers quickly. Use this list to find a first care facility when immediate treatment is needed.


    The attached pre-designation form must be completed and on file prior to an industrial injury in order for an employee to treat with the designated physician outside of the Medical Provider Network. The physician must have agreed to be pre-designated.

    The completed pre-designation form is to be kept on file at the work site. The employee should retain a copy in case of a transfer.