- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Blackboard SchoolWires
Use the Q&A app to house questions and answers for your course, reading material, and other important information. You can use the app as a frequently-asked questions location for common course questions.
Q & A App
What is Open Enrollment and How Do I Apply?
Posted by:This program allows parents to apply for designated "open enrollment" seats at specific campuses. In recent years, the number of available seats has declined steadily. The application process typically occurs during May for the following school year. A list of the schools with open enrollment seats is usually available in the main office of any school, beginning in late April or early May. Also check the LAUSD website www.lausd.net for periodic announcements.
There is no limit on the number of schools to which a parent/guardian may apply for open enrollment. If the number of applications received at a school is less than the number of available seats, all the students who applied are invited to enroll. If the applications are greater than the number of seats, a drawing is held to determine the students' given seats. Schools that still have space available after the deadline usually will be able to register open enrollment students up to the second Friday of the school calendar for that campus.***************************************************************** -
How do I get High School Transcripts?
Posted by:
If you attended school up to the year 1999, please follow these procedures to obtain a transcript. Please send a written request to the:
LAUSDStudent RecordsP.O. Box 3307Los Angeles, CA 90051
An official form to request Transcripts is available on the bottom of the page.
The request should include:The correct spelling of your name while attending schoolDate of birthPlace of birthName of school attendedDate graduated if applicableDriver's license number or social security number for IDMoney order payable to Los Angeles Unified School DistrictName of parentsSign and date the request
If you have questions or need information regarding pricing, please call Student Records at (323) 224-5950 or visit the website for Transcripts (Student Records Unit).***************************************************************** -
Does the LAUSD Rank Its Schools?
Posted by:
No. The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) does not rank its schools. The Accountability Progress Report (APR) from the California Department of Education provides schools and school districts with information about their annual progress on the state Academic Performance Index (API) and their results on the federal Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) report. Click below to review the LAUSD's latest Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) report and the progress of individual schools.*****************************************************************