Student Loan Forgiveness Programs and Options

  • Student Loan Forgiveness Programs and Options Student loan forgiveness is an incentive to encourage and reward service in several fields, such as education. This information provides a one-stop-shop for our teachers and employees to utilize and share with other individuals who may benefit from these opportunities. Please click here for complete details.
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National Board Certification

  • National Board Certification in California This site is devoted to helping California teachers and school, district, county, and university support providers access information about programs that support teachers' National Board Certification candidacy.
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  • National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, known simply as National Board, is an independent, nonprofit organization. It was formed in 1987 to advance the quality of teaching and learning by developing professional standards for accomplished teaching, creating a voluntary system to certify teachers who meet those standards and integrating Board-certified teachers into educational reform efforts.
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Troops To Teachers

  • Troops To Teachers Troops to Teachers Troops to Teachers is a U.S. Department of Defense program that helps eligible military personnel begin a new career as teachers in public schools where their skills, knowledge and experience are most needed.
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Other Resources

  • California Department of Education Funding Information The California Department of Education operates a large number of programs that provide funds to schools and other organizations for a variety of educational purposes. Click here for more information.
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  • California Department of Education Professional Learning Collaborative professional development aligned to student learning and standards that prepares, trains, and recruits high-quality teachers, principals, paraprofessionals, and other staff. Click here for more information.
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  • California Student Aid Commission The California Student Aid Commission is the primary state agency for the administration of state-authorized student financial aid programs available to students attending all segments of postsecondary education.

    The Commission administers eleven grants, scholarship and loan assumption programs for California students.Click here to visit their website.

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  • U.S. Department of Education Grants The U.S. Department of Education offers three kinds of grants:
          • Discretionary grants: awarded using a competitive process.
          • Student loans or grants: to help students attend college.
          • Formula grants: uses formulas determined by Congress and has no application process.
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