• Transportation Programs


    Children are transported for four main reasons: Special Education, Integration, Distance and Hazard, and Public School Choice (PSC)/No Child Left Behind (NCLB).  The District does not provide Home to School service for resident students.

    Special Education

    The District provides transportation to approximately 11,200 special education students.  This service is provided regardless of the proximity of the child's home to the child's school of attendance based on the child's Individualized Education Program (IEP).


    Magnet, Capacity Adjustment (CAP) and Permits with Transportation (PWT) are all Integration programs where school bus transportation is provided if the school of attendance is outside the student's home school attendance boundary or, if there is no attendance boundary, exceeds a two-mile radius of the assigned school for elementary students or five-mile radius of the assigned school for middle and high school students.  The District buses approximately 27,000 Magnet students, 240 CAP/SAT students, and 140 PWT students.

    • Magnets offer special learning environments by which students can pursue their academic interests.
    • CAP busing is implemented when a school reaches capacity and students need to be transported to another school.
    • SAT (Satellite Zone) students are assigned based on sections within overcrowded attandance boundary areas that are attached as "satellites" to designated receiving schools.
    • The PWT program is designed to provide students with integrated experiences by placing Hispanic, Black, Asian and other non-Anglo students in integrated settings while providing opportunities for Other White students to attend schools whose students are predominantly Hispanic, Black, Asian or other non-Anglo.
    • The PSC/NCLB program is offered to students attending a Program Improvement School.

    Distance and Hazard

    On a limited basis, approximately 1,140 students are transported because the walk route they take from home to school and back is potentially hazardous.  This ranges from students who must cross freeway off-ramps, railroad tracks or other potentially hazardous conditions as determined by the Board of Education.