- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Private Sites
Private Sites
Certified Accessibility Plan
While charter schools are exempt from many California laws governing school districts, charter schools are not exempt from federal requirements such as Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Title II prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in all services, programs, and activities provided to the public by State and local governments, except public transportation services.
Accordingly, charter schools operating on private sites shall develop Transition and Self Evaluation plans noting barriers to accessibility and the plan to remove and/or eliminate said barriers within a reasonable timeframe in the Transition Plan and noting intentional or unintentional policies and practices which discriminate against people with disabilities, their acquaintances, and others assumed to have a disability. Charter schools may also consider designating an ADA Coordinator or equivalent, establishing a grievance procedure and posting notices at all facilities and mediums. Please additionally review the legal requirements for public entities which employ 50 or more persons. A transition plan must include:
- A list of obstacles to accessibility of the facility or program. An accessibility evaluation survey is conducted to determine the accessibility obstacles and issues.
- A detailed description of the methods that will be used to provide accessibility.
- A schedule for implementing the changes. If completion will take longer than a year, the steps that will be taken each year must be identified.
- Signoff by the official in your organization with authority to authorize the expenditure of funds to make the changes.
Charter schools may wish to utilize Certified Access Specialists (“CASp”), experienced, trained, and tested individuals who can inspect buildings and sites for compliance with applicable state and federal construction-related accessibility standards. Per the Division of the State Architect (DSA), a CASp inspection may include, for example, a review by a professional who knows which accessibility standards apply to a facility, and an action plan for changes needed for the facility to become compliant. For more information on the CASp program (codified by Senate Bill 262 in 2003), go to: http://www.dgs.ca.gov/dsa/Programs/programCert/casp.aspx.
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Training Video
- This training video does not constitute legal advice and is shared with independent charter schools for informational purposes only. Independent charter schools may disregard references to processes and procedures that are specifically and solely intended for LAUSD employees.
- Independent charter schools may access additional resources at achieve.lausd.net/ada.
- If you have any questions, please reach out to ADA-info@lausd.net.