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Division of Special Education

  • Do you suspect your child may have a disability? 

  • Multi-color hands

    The Los Angeles Unified School District seeks to identify, locate, and evaluate children suspected of having a disability who may be eligible for special education services designed to meet their educational needs at no cost to families. This includes highly mobile children, migrant children, children experiencing homelessness, children who are wards of the state and children attending private schools located within LAUSD boundaries regardless of where they reside. All other children must live in the LAUSD attendance area.

    Every Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) and school district is required to have procedures in place to help locate students who may need special education services, and each public school site within the SELPA has information on how to initiate a referral for special education services.

    If your child is not in a special education program and you suspect they may have a disability, please contact your child's teacher or principal to discuss your concerns. A student may be referred by parents, teachers, and other school staff members, doctors, agency staff, or others.

    Children Ages Birth to 2 years, 10 months
    If you have a concern about your child's development, and your child is younger than 2 years 10 months of age, please contact one of the Regional Centers:

    Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center
    Telephone: (626) 299-4700
    Website: http://www.elarc.org

    Frank D. Lanterman Regional Center
    Telephone: (213) 383-1300
    Website: http://www.lanterman.org

    Harbor Regional Center
    Telephone: (310) 540-1711
    Website: https://www.harborrc.org

    North Los Angeles County Regional Center
    Telephone: (818) 788-1900
    Website: http://www.nlacrc.org

    South Central Los Angeles Regional Center
    Telephone: (213) 744-7000
    Website: https://sclarc.org

    Westside Regional Center
    Telephone: (310) 258-4000
    Website: https://westsiderc.org

    Children Ages Birth to 3 years with hearing, vision or severely orthopedic concerns: Contact ESCE Telephone: 213)241-4713

    Website: https://achieve.lausd.net/page/17167

    Children Ages 2 years, 10 months
    If your child is preschool age (beginning at 2 years 10 months) and is non-enrolled, and you have a concern about your child's development, please contact the Early Childhood Special Education office at (213) 241-4713 or email ECSE@lausd.net.  You may also visit the Early Childhood Special Education website for more information at https://www.lausd.org/spedECSE

    For outside agencies, please complete the attached referral form with parent consent.

    ECSE Outside Agency Referral Form.

     PDF Icon Low Incidence Referral Form (English)  

    Children Who Are School Age (TK and Up)
    If your child is school age (TK and up) and you have a concern about your child’s progress in school, please contact the principal at your child's public school of residence to discuss your concerns. As appropriate, your child may be referred to the Student Support and Progress Team (SSPT) to discuss concern(s), identify potential areas of need, and propose interventions, based on student needs. The SSPT includes representatives from general education, and may include special education representatives, who review student progress and suggest interventions and strategies to assist students within the general education program. The SSPT will develop an action plan to support your child’s educational progress. It is highly recommended an SSPT meet to review a student's progress prior to developing an assessment plan for suspected disabilities. If you have additional questions, please contact the School Family Support Services (SFSS) office at (213) 241-6701 or visit https://www.lausd.org/Page/17087 to obtain additional contact information.


    Children Attending Private Schools
    Through the Child Find process, the Los Angeles Unified School District is committed to locating, identifying and evaluating students with disabilities ages 5-22 parentally placed in a private school. If you suspect your child or a student in your program has a disability, you may discuss the evaluation process with a District representative. Please contact your child's school of residence for assistance.

    For students that are currently attending a private school, the responsibility to conduct Child Find belongs to the District of Residence (district where student lives), per an agreement between the Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) in Los Angeles County.

    A special education evaluation may be requested by choosing one of the following options. All requests for a special education evaluation must be in writing.  If you are unable to provide a written request, staff are available to assist you.

    • Resident Students
      For students residing within LAUSD boundaries, written requests for initial or three-year special education evaluations are made to the public school of residence.
    • Non-Resident Students
      For students who reside outside LAUSD boundaries but attend a private school within LAUSD boundaries, written requests for initial or three-year special education evaluations are made to their District of Residence. Parents maintain the right to submit requests to LAUSD's Parentally Placed Private School Office (pppso@lausd.net) for purposes of eligibility only, regardless of student's residence.

    Children Attending Charter Schools
    For school age children and youth enrolled in a charter school, contact the child’s charter school of attendance.    


  • A Parent's Guide to Special Education Services

    The special education process determines whether or not your child is eligible for special education and related services and if so, what special education and related services are appropriate for your child. For additional information, please refer to the A Parent's Guide to Special Education Services booklet.

    Parent's Guide to Special Education Services

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is Child Find?
    Child Find refers to the process of locating, identifying , and evaluating children and youth who may be eligible for special education services designed to meet their educational needs at no cost to families. Children and youth, ages birth to 22, living in the Los Angeles Unified School District, who are suspected of having a disability may be referred for a possible evaluation to determine if they are eligible for special education services. This includes children and youth who are experiencing homelessness, highly mobile, migrant, wards of the state and children and youth attending private schools, including homeschools, located within LAUSD boundaries regardless of where they reside. All other children must live in the LAUSD attendance area.

    What is a child with a disability?
    The term "child with a disability" means a child evaluated as having one or more of the following: intellectual disability, hearing impairment (including deafness), speech or language impairment, visual impairment (including blindness), emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairment, specific learning disability, deaf-blindness, or multiple disabilities, and who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services (34 CFR§ 300.8).

    Is there a cost for special education services?
    All services provided by Local Education Agencies (school districts and charter schools) through IDEA 2004 (Part B) Special Education and Related Services (Part B) are provided at no cost to the individual or parents. This includes assessment.

    Who can initiate the Child Find process?
    Anyone can start the Child Find process, including but not limited to, a parent/guardian, teacher, doctor, relative or friend can call their local school district Child Find. If you are concerned about a child’s learning, contact your local school campus, district, or charter school.

    What if my child attends a private school?
    Parents or guardians may refer their child for assessment for special education services. Teachers, other school personnel, and community members may also refer a child for assessment; however, parental permission is required for assessment to commence. All requests for a special education evaluation must be in writing. If you are unable to provide a written request, staff are available to assist you.

    For additional information regarding students parentally placed in private schools, visit https://www.lausd.org/spedPPPSO and refer to "Child Find: Initial Referral for Special Education Evaluation section. 

Additional Information & Resources (Child Find)

Brochures regarding Low Incidence program options may be accessed in the Division of Special Education Brochures webpage. 
Please visit https://www.lausd.org/spedBrochures.


Additional information regarding children's developmental milestones may be accessed on the Center for Disease Control website.

Visit Important Milestones: Your Baby By Three Years | CDC.


If you are a parent/guardian of an infant with concerns regarding a child's vision, hearing, or other othopedic needs, please complete a referral form and email it to infantreferrals@lausd.net.

 PDF Icon Low Incidence Referral Form (English)