May I request time off to appear in court (jury duty or related to a criminal proceeding)?
Yes. If you are a classified employee, see Personnel Commission Rule 782 for questions regarding jury duty, Personnel Commission Rule 781 for court appearances in response to a subpoena, and Personnel Commission Rule 780 for court appearances required because you, or a family member, were a victim of a crime. If you are a certificated employee, see District BUL-4223 and the applicable collective bargaining agreement between your unit and the District for questions regarding jury duty. See the applicable collective bargaining agreement between your unit and the District for court appearances in response to a subpoena, and for court appearances required because you, or a family member, were a victim of a crime.
May I request time off to vote?
In certain circumstances, polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. each Election Day. If you are scheduled to be at work during that time, California law allows you to take up to two hours off to vote, without losing any pay. You may take as much time as you need to vote, but only two hours of that time will be paid. Your time off for voting can be only at the beginning or end of your regular work shift, unless you make another arrangement with your employer. If you think you will need time off to vote, you must notify your employer at least two working days prior to the election.
Can I file an internal employment complaint with the District?
Yes. Contact the District's Equal Opportunity Section for assistance.
Does LAUSD have a process available if I feel that I need an accommodation for a disability?
Yes. Contact the Reasonable Accommodation Committee at (213) 241-7630. The Committee meets at least twice per month.