• Academic Monitoring System (AMS)



 AMS Overview

  • Frequently Asked Questions


Job Aid IconAcademic Monitoring System (AMS) Naming Convention

Job Aid IconAMS Data Dashbord District User Guide

Job Aid Icon

Assessment Creation

Job Aid Icon Copying AMS Assessments

Job Aid IconDelivering Assessments through Schoology

Job Aid Icon Disabling Cross-Site Tracking on the iPad

Job Aid Icon Item Creation Multiple-Choice

Job Aid Icon Item Search

Job Aid IconAMS Job Aid oneAccess

Job Aid Icon Performance Matters and Schoology App Switcher

Job Aid Icon Student Item Analysis Report

Job Aid Icon Student Portal

What does AMS stand for?
AMS stands for Academic Monitoring System.

What is an AMS?
The AMS is an application used to identify instructional needs and create paths for learning recovery through teacher, school, and/or district-created assessments. It allows for the collaborative creation and deployment of formative and summative assessments and provides instant results and analytics. For more information, visit

How will the AMS be used in LAUSD?
The Academic Monitoring System (AMS) is an optional tool that has been added to the LMS for roster-carrying teachers. It can be used to monitor students’ daily progress across various content areas, such as physical education, science, etc., to help support instruction.
Will the AMS be mandatory for teachers to use?
No. The AMS is a supplemental tool, not designed for official district assessments.
What is the difference between Performance Matters and AMS?
Performance Matters is the name of PowerSchools's product that LAUSD has purchased. AMS is the term used to refer to Performance Matters.
What will I be able to do in the AMS when it becomes available?
During the initial implementation of the AMS, the primary focus will be on the creation, distribution, and analysis of AMS created assessments only. Other features may become available in the future.
Will Performance Matters replace MiSiS?
No. MiSiS is LA Unified's official student information system.
What is OLA?
OLA stands for "Online Assessment".
What are the roles and permissions for each role for the Academic Monitoring System (AMS)?
A user role document will be available to illustrate the permissions for each role.
How can users apply for a different role and who approves the request?
Users will be able to apply for access through oneAccess when the system becomes available. When applying for school level access, the school site administrators will need to approve the request.
Will Edulastic tests be pulled into Performance Matters?
Third party vendor scores are not part of the initial implementation of the AMS.
Will Curriculum Maps assessments be integrated into Performance Matters?
District created assessments found in Curriculum Maps can be added to Performance Matters.



Will the AMS work with Schoology?
Yes. The AMS will be integrated with Schoology. A new waffle icon called the "App Switcher" will appear next to your username in Schoology and allow you to toggle between Schoology and Performance Matters.
Where will students be able to access the AMS created assessments?
Any assessment created in the AMS will appear in a student's Schoology course as an Assessment assignment, similar to those created inside of Schoology.
Will the AMS replace Whole Child?
No. The data collected through the AMS will complement existing data in Whole Child. Data from the AMS will be incorporated with Whole Child.
What browser should I use for the AMS?
The AMS is compatible with most browsers such as Firefox and Chrome for everyday use.  When running AMS reports, it is recommended to use Google Chrome for the best experience.
Will attendance be reported in the AMS?
No. Attendance will continue to be taken in MiSiS and reported through existing applications.
Will state test results such as SBAC be available in the AMS?
No. The initial implementation of the AMS will focus on the creation, distribution, and analysis of AMS created assessments only. SBAC and other state exam results can be accessed through FOCUS and/or Whole Child.
How often does PowerSchool release new enhancements?
PowerSchool releases new enhancements on the last Saturday of each month. Please note, that not all enhancements may apply to LAUSD.
When I search the AMS using the magnifying lense, I get no results.  Why is that?
The magnifying lens performs a global search of the AMS for any items you created or have been shared with you.  
How many test question types are available in the AMS?
There are 17 different question types.
Are the test questions automatically scored?
14 out of 17 question types are automatically scored. The remaining 3 question types must be hand-scored by the teacher.
I created a report in the AMS.  Can I share it with others?
Yes. Most reports can be shared. Use the "Share" link to generate a unique URL link to the report. The URL link can be opened by any user with a valid AMS user role.
If I share a report link I created, will people see my student data?
No. The link simply shares the report parameters. When users open the shared link, the data results will reflect the students they have access to.
Can I download AMS reports?
Yes. Most reports can be downloaded in Microsoft Excel or PDF format. 
What is Color Swatching?
Color Swatching is the ability to hide results for one or more performance bands.
What test items are hand-scored by the teacher?
The test items that must be hand-scored are:
  1. Extended Text
  2. Draw
  3. File Upload"
Who can create Shared Reports?
Shared Reports can only be created by AMS system administrators.

When will assessment data be available in the baseball or scoreboard reports?
Assessment data will become available in reports the following day. Test data is processed overnight.
How can I display test results during a meeting, without showing student names?
When viewing the Baseball Card Report, turn on Demo mode to hide student names.
Can I create groups to monitor the students/groups I support?
Yes. In the Baseball Card Report, users can create their own custom filters using the "Add Student Filter" button.
What will happen if I make an assessment Private?
Any assessment that is marked as "Private" will only be available to the creator of the assessment. The creator will be the only person that can administer and view the results.
Will grades from my Schoology assessments appear in Performance Matters?
Yes, but only the final grade will transfer over from Schoology Assessments to Performance Matters.  
Will grades from Performance Matters assessments be recorded in my Schoology gradebook?
Yes. Performance Matters assessment grades will automatically be recorded in the Schoology gradebook.
Will a teacher need to manually enter assessment grades to their gradebook?
No. AMS assessment scores will automatically be recorded to the Schoology gradebook for the teacher.
If the teacher does not want the AMS assessment grade to count towards a student's gradebook score, can they exclude it?
Yes. The teacher can set the assessment factor to "0" in the gradebook or in Bulk Edit.
Can a student upload an audio recording to an assessment as a response for ELPAC?
Yes. The teacher can add an "Upload" assessment question. Students can then upload an audio file.
What file types can a student upload? What is the file size limit?
Answers uploaded by students are limited to a maximum file size of 1GB using one of the following file types: bmp, doc, docx, gif, htm, html, pdf, jpeg, jpg, mov, mp3, mp4, png, pdf, ppt, pptx, svg, txt, uri, xls, zip.
Can I use the same rubric for multiple assessments?
Can I use multiple rubrics within the same assessment?
What test results will I be able to see in the Student Item Analysis (SIA) report?
The SIA report will display data from Performance Matters assessments only.
What does PE/PP mean?
PE stands for Points Earned. PP stands for Points Possible. PE/PP is calculated as Points Earned divided by Points Possible.
How soon can I see the test results in the Student Item Analysis report?
Test results will be available the same day the assessment is administered.
Can a teacher include a reference document in an assessment (e.g. list of math formulas)?
Yes. The file needs to be in a PDF format.
How can I create performance bands with no percentages assigned to comply with Equitable Grading and Instruction (EGI, formerly Mastery Learning and Grading) practices?
Performance bands are set at the district level. EGI grading occurs in the Schoology Gradebook where the teacher can apply their own grading scale.

When Perfomance Matters assessments are pulled into Schoology - how do they transfer to the mastery screen/elementary report card domains?
Performance Matters assessments will appear in Schoology as an assessment material item. If grading is turned on for the assignment, the final score will automatically be recorded in the Schoology gradebook.

What does the word "New" next to the title Performance Matters mean?
The word "New" will display when PowerSchool releases a new feature for the AMS. Click on the word "New" to see the release notes.

What information will I see in the Test Analysis section on MyDashboard?
Test Analysis will only display results for Performance Matters assessments based on your user role.
How do I turn on/off Demo mode?
Demo mode can be turned on/off by clicking on your initials in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

The Academic Monitoring System (AMS) will conduct a user-role data clean-up to ensure employees are aligned with their school building and appropriate job roles. View the AMS oneAccess Job Aid. This Job Aid provides step-by-step guidance on how to apply for a user role. For any additional questions, please review the AMS Roles FAQs document. 

Academic Management System (AMS) Roles and Permissions

Like MiSiS and other District systems, the AMS has different levels of system permissions enabling users to perform role-based tasks.  

For example, the “Teacher” role generally only has access to their student and course specific information, while the “Principal” and “School Admin Support” role has a higher level of permissions and can perform different tasks than teachers. The “District User” role in the AMS is designed to provide users with more permissions than the teacher and principal role.  Users authorized with school-wide access to student data must remember that they may only access student information as a part of their regular duties in accordance with district policy.

The following table links user roles and responsibilities to the corresponding AMS role and permissions:

District Title

Responsibility / Permissions

Suggested AMS Role

Role Created or Requested via


Can create and administer assessments, view student performance data, and use reporting tools to monitor student progress. Teachers generally have access limited to their own classes and students.


System created

Principal and Assistant Principal

Similar to teachers, principals can access assessment data and reports for their school, monitor school-wide performance trends, and use analytics tools to evaluate overall school performance.


System created (Principal and AP assigned to the school site only)

Asst. Principal EIS, Counselor, Coach, Dean, Coordinator, RST, or other teacher-advisors

Has access to data across multiple schools within the district. They can view aggregated performance data, create district-wide assessments and reports, and provide support and oversight to schools and principals.

School Admin Support


District Coordinator and other Administrator Support Staff

Has access to data across multiple schools within the district. They can view aggregated performance data, create district-wide assessments and reports, and provide support and oversight to schools and principals.

District Administrator


How can I get help for the AMS?
There are a number of resources available for support.  
  1. Click on the "?" icon to access contextual help guides. 
  2. Click on the News & Assignments tab on MyDashboard to access video tutorials. 
  3. Contact our help desk at 213-241-5200 option 5, then option 1.

Where can I learn more about the AMS?
For more information, visit 


Video IconAMS Student Item Analysis (SIA) Principal Account

Video IconAMS Student Item Analysis (SIA) Report

Video IconUnlocking Tests OLA Student Status

Video IconDisable Prevent Cross Site Tracking on iPads

Video IconAMS Student Experience

How to Add an AMS Assessment to a Schoology CourseVideo Icon


    Features Available in the Academic Monitoring System (AMS)

    • Integrates with the Learning Management System, Schoology 

    • Provides a strategic view of students' academic strengths and areas of growth

    • Allows for shared and distributed assessments

    • Randomizes questions for easy creation of multiple versions

    • Provides formative and summative data

    • Provides access to School, Community of Schools (CoS), Regions, and District-wide analytics