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        Employee Reimbursement Program  

    The Employee Reimbursement Program is an employee benefit which assists employees when their property is stolen or vandalized. Pursuant to Board Rule 1285/1286, the Los Angeles Unified School District is not responsible for damage to or loss of vehicles or a contents thereof due to theft, fire, collision, explosion, pilferage, the elements, act of God or from any cause whatever or in connection with the presence or operation of vehicle on the premises. Also, there is no district insurance available to cover the cost to replace and repair damaged, destroyed, stolen, or vandalized property of employees. However, to provide assistance to employees in such circumstances, Board Rule 1672 established the Employee Reimbursement Program (ERP).  This is not an insurance program; it is an employee benefit established by and paid for by LAUSD.

    Automotive Vandalism


    The ERP Section may reimburse the cost to repair damage to an automobile owned by the employee, if it is vandalized while parked on (or immediately adjacent to) school grounds or other district premises.  Damage to an employee’s automobile caused by a collision or hit & run accident or anything other than vandalism is not covered.

    Personal Property/Registered


    The ERP Section may reimburse for damage or theft of registered/personal property if reasonable precautions were taken to secure the item and if the loss or damage is through no fault of the employee.


    Reimbursement Forms

    Employee Reimbursement Form

    ERP Explanation of Form


    Property Registration & Proof of Loss Forms


    Property Registration Form

     ERP Proof of Loss Form 


    Additional Resources

    Board Rule 1672 

    Board Rule 06-14-11


    Phone: 213-241-3124