
    MyData Refreshed as of:  Monday,  September 23,  2024
    System Status Is Operational   green  

    MyData Student Search Issue

    Please be aware, to search for an individual student by Name or ID, follow this path: 

    Click on the MyData selection> Student Search> Search by Name and ID>

    Make sure to use upper case as instructed. (All Caps)

    You can search by entering a partial student name or District ID. Entering all fields is not required.

    If you are only entering the District ID, make sure the field for Last Name is empty, remove the word LASTNAME etc.   Then click on Apply

    Do not use the student search screen from the landing page, currently there is an issue with that search feature.


    MyData/GetData Access Issues:

    If your access was recently updated, or removed, please go to oneAccess and request the appropriate role again.   If oneAccess still displays a current access role, please revoke/remove that previous role before applying again.   Any HR employee assignment updates on July 1, 2022 or after, resets your access automatically.  

    You will need to apply for access again.  This is a regular security process.

    If you need to review your role, or if you need more information about access, here is the link for the MyData Access Job Aid.  

    Any other issues with access please contact helpdesk.  https://www.lausd.org/helpdesk


Secondary Reports

  • SecondaryReports

    Click on the Clipboard to download a PowerPoint or other document. If you need to download Adobe Reader, go to http://www.adobe.com/downloads/
      At Risk Report for Foster Youth Students
    How to generate "At Risk Indicator's Report" for foster youth students.

    How many of my students took the Early Assessment Program?
    Who among them are college ready, based ont the results?

      Gifted Students by Subgroup Report
    Where can I see my School's enrollment compared to my Gifted Enrollment?
      High School Completion
    Which students at my high school are on-track to graduate?

    Math Diagnostics
    How did my incoming 8th grade students do on the Math Diagnostics Assessment?


    Math Placement
    How do I identify which incoming 6th and 9th graders need more targeted math intervention (page 3)?

    How do I identify the proper math placement for 7th graders transitioning to 8th grade?

      Secondary Course Enrollment Marks
      Smarter Balanced Assessment
    Where do I find the Smarter Balanced Assessment Report.
      ELA Intervention
    How do I identify which projected 6th thru 9th graders need more targeted ELA intervention? (page 7)