Advanced Learning Options ALO    |   GATE   

Advancement Via
Individual Determination

  • AVID Schools






STEAM Virtual Academy**

Academic Leadership Community @ Contreras

Bell High School

Clinton Middle School*

El Sereno Middle School

ELA Renaissance Academy

Gage Middle School

Garfield Senior High School

Gratts Elementary **

Huntington Park High School

International Studies Learning Complex***

Jefferson High School

John Lietchy Middle School*

Marquez HS Social Justice

Maywood Center for Enrichment Studies (MaCES)***

Nimitz Middle School

Orchard GST Academy 2C

Santee Education Complex

South Gate Middle School

STEAM Legacy High School

Toland Way Elementary**

Torres HS Engineering & Tech

Walnut Park Middle School SJ/SL*

Woodrow Wilson Senior High

Byrd Middle School

Canoga Park High School

Carlos Santana Arts Academy **

Lawrence Middle School*

Louis Armstrong Middle School

Monroe High School

Mt. Gleason Middle School

Pacoima Middle School

Panorama High School

Plummer Elementary**

Sepulveda Middle School

Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies** (4-12)/***

Sun Valley Magnet School* (6-12)

Valley Oaks Center for Enriched Studies Magnet

Van Nuys Middle School*

Vinedale College Preparatory Academy**/*** (Span) (K-8)

32nd St USC Performing Arts Magnet**/***

61st Streel Elementary **

Banning High School

Carnegie Middle School

Dana Middle School

Edison Middle School

Fleming Middle School

Foshay Learning Complex*/***

Glenn Hammond Curtiss MS

Harbor Teacher Prep High School

John Muir Middle School

Mervyn M Dymally Academy HS

Narbonne High School

Peary Middle School

Rivera LC Performing Arts

Rivera LC Public Service

Washington Preparatory High School

White Middle School

Wilmington Middle School

Berendo Middle School

Cochran Middle School

Fairfax High School

Los Angeles High School

Marina Del Rey Middle School

University High School

Westchester Enriched Sciences Magnets (WESM)

AVID Schoolwide Site of Distinction is the highest level of AVID Certification given to AVID school sites that implement AVID with high levels of fidelity and demonstrated schoolwide impact.

High schools meeting target percentages for all three Process Metrics and two of six Impact Metrics, or middle schools meeting target percentages for all three Process Metrics and both Impact Metrics are recognized as AVID Secondary Schoolwide Sites of Distinction.

Currently, there are three LAUSD Schoolwide Sites of Distinction:

  • Dr. Richard A. Vladovic Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy
  • Rivera LC Public Service Community School
  • Walnut Park Middle School- Social Justice and Service Learning



AVID Demonstration Schools are exemplary models of the AVID College Readiness System demonstrating the very best AVID strategies and methodologies in both the AVID Elective and schoolwide college readiness practices. Schools and districts interested in implementing AVID or improving their own AVID College Readiness System can arrange to visit these sites and experience a highly successful schoolwide AVID.


At an AVID Demonstration school, visitors can observe:

  • Dedicated and successful implementation of Instruction, Systems, Leadership and Culture
  • Strong and committed leadership
  • Evidence of outstanding student achievement
  • Models of excellent inquiry-based AVID tutorials
  • AVID as a schoolwide approach to school improvement
  • A schoolwide college-going culture with college readiness as a basic expectation
  • A center of learning for AVID best practices
  • A showplace for the synergy and excitement a strong AVID college readiness system creates


To arrange a visit to our Demonstration Site, please get in touch with Carmen Serret-Lopez at or 858-633-0137.


LAUSD National Demonstration Site:

  1. GRATTS ES (E)
  2. 32nd Street USC Performing Arts Magnet (C) 
  3. 61st Street Elementary School (S)
  4. Plummer ES (NE)
  5. Santana Arts Academy (N)
  6. Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies (SOCES) (N)**
  7. STEAM Virtual Academy (XS)**
  8. Toland Way Elementary (E)
  9. Vinedale College Preparatory Academy (N)


** Span School

  1. Berendo MS (E)
  2. Byrd MS (N)
  3. Carnegie MS (S)
  4. Clinton MS (E)
  5. Cochran MS (W)
  6. Curtiss MS (S)
  7. Dana MS (S)
  8. Edison MS (S)
  9. El Sereno MS (E)
  10. Ellen Ochoa LC (E)  
  11. Fleming MS (S)
  12. Foshay LC (S) 
  13. Gage MS (S)
  14. John Liechty MS (E)
  15. John Muir MS (S)
  16. International Studies Learning Center (E) **
  17. Lawrence MS (N)
  18. Louis Armstrong Middle School (N)
  19. MaCES (E) **
  20. Marina del Rey MS (W)
  21. Mt. Gleason MS (N)
  22. Nimitz MS (E)
  23. Orchard Academy 2C - (E)
  24. Pacoima MS (N)
  25. Peary MS (S)
  26. Sepulveda MS (N)
  27. Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies (SOCES) (N)**
  28. South Gate MS (E)
  29. Sun Valley Magnet School (N)**
  30. Van Nuys MS (N)
  31. Walnut Park MS (E)
  32. White MS (S)
  33. Wilmington MS (S).                               


** SPAN School

  1. Academic Leadership Community @ Contreras LC (E)
  2. Banning HS
  3. Bell HS (E)
  4. Canoga Park HS (N)
  5. Dymally HS (S)
  6. Esteban Torres HS- East Los Angeles Renaissance Academy (E)
  7. Esteban Torres HS- Engineering & Technology Academy (E)
  8. Fairfax HS (W)
  9. Garfield HS (E)
  10. Harbor Teacher Prep HS (S)
  11. Huntington Park HS (E)
  12. Jefferson HS (E)
  13. International Studies Learning Center (E)***
  14. Legacy S.T.E.A.M. (E)
  15. Los Angeles HS (W)
  16. Marquez- Social Justice (E)
  17. MaCES (E) 
  18. Monroe HS (N)
  19. Narbonne HS (S)
  20. Panorama HS (N)
  21. Performing Arts Community School HS @ Rivera LC (S)
  22. Public Service Community School HS @ Rivera LC  (S)
  23. Roosevelt- MSTMA (E)
  24. Santee Ed Complex (E)
  25. Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies (SOCES) (N)***
  26. South Gate HS (E) 
  27. Sun Valley Magnet School (N)***
  28. University HS (W)
  29. Valley Oaks Center for Enriched Studies Magnet
  30. Washington Prep HS (W)
  31. Westchester Enriched Sciences Magnets (W)
  32. Wilson HS (E)* 

*National Demonstration Site
***Span School