- Los Angeles Unified School District
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For Employees
Will this transition to LAUSD.org impact my Single Sign-On?
No. Please continue to use your @lausd.net email address as your Single Sign-On to access District online services. Employees from the Division of Adult and Career Education will continue to use their @dace.lausd.net address.
Can I still use achieve.lausd.net after the transition to LAUSD.org?
Links to achieve.lausd.net will continue to work after July 1, 2023 by redirecting automatically to LAUSD.org. However, we encourage everyone to update their links to reflect our new web address at LAUSD.org and to bookmark this site moving forward.
For Schools
Why is my school’s website being migrated to Edlio/LAUSD.org?
Los Angeles Unified was notified by School Loop LLC that the company is ceasing operations and shutting down their systems on June 30, 2023. As a result, the District reached an agreement with Edlio LLC to provide an enterprise content management system (CMS) to migrate and host impacted schools on an accelerated timeline. Eventually, Edlio will also be able to host all schools and district offices.
If I need support with my school’s website after the migration, who can I contact?
ITS Solution Techs will be available to support school sites during this transition. You may create a support ticket at ITS HelpDesk and a team member will work with you to resolve your issue. If your issue requires additional support, your solution tech will reach out to Edlio for elevated support.
What school content is being migrated to Edlio, and how is it going to look?
During this initial migration phase, impacted schools’ content will be migrated onto a standard school template. The migration team will make every effort to organize and place your existing content within this template. Content that doesn’t find a home on the standard template will be made accessible after your school’s content manager(s) receive training and access.
School websites will have a uniform look and feel, including a common header and footer, welcome and "about us" messages, event calendar, news section, quick links and social media icons.
My school’s School Loop website is impacted by this migration to LAUSD.org. What do I need to do?
Our Information Services Technology team is working to migrate content from your School Loop website to Edlio, the District’s new website platform. While your old web address will continue to redirect to your new LAUSD.org address, please use the following communications resources to notify your school community of this change.
We have Blackboard Connect notification templates, social media content and digital content available for your use to help market your new address to your school community. Please contact communications@lausd.net if you need assistance communicating your new website to your school community.
Edlio Website Managment
When will my school’s website content manager(s) receive training?
We expect to launch two waves of training for schools’ website content managers. A training schedule with time, location and duration will be provided in the coming weeks on this page.
Can I modify or change my school’s URL subdomain name created during the school loop to Edlio transition?
At this moment, this is not allowed. Any subdomains currently owned by schools must be redirected to the new subdomain created during the launching of your new school website.
If there’s an error or issue with your new subdomain URL, please create a support ticket at ITS HelpDesk and a team member will work with you to resolve your issue. If your issue requires additional support, your solution tech will reach out to Edlio for elevated support.
Can I modify or change the home page template for my school website?
The District plans to provide a redesign opportunity for schools to select a different home page template. Schools will be notified of this opportunity in the coming months. Stay tuned for more information!