Federal and State Education Programs
Page Navigation
- FSEP Home
- School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- State Identified Schools
- Budget Planning 2024-2025
- Budget Planning 2025-2026
- Federal Program Monitoring (FPM)
- Title I Resources
- Categorical Equipment
- Title I, IV Private Schools Program (PSP)
- Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum
- Consolidated Application
- Publications
- Time and Effort Reporting
- Staff Directory
- 2024-2025 CEI Template
- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Categorical Equipment
Disposal of Categorical Equipment
Obsolete/Broken Equipment:
- Label your equipment as salvaged on the CEI (Attachment B) by using the "Date of Disposal" and "Reason for Disposal" columns in Secion III.
- Computing Devices*: Follow IT Asset Management salvage instructions for Computing Devices, labeled "Section 10- Update Device for Salvage".
- Non-Computing**: Transfer the items to the "Surplus Property & Recycling Annex" in Remedy and complete a Truck Operations request to have non-computing equipment picked up from their school.
Stolen/Missing Equipment:
- Contact School Police and check if this qualifies for a police report. If so, label your equipment as stolen on the CEI (Attachment B) by using the "Date of Disposal", "Reason for Disposal" and "Safeguard Number" columns in Secion III. Include the police report number under "Reason of Disposal".
- Submit a LAUSD Helpdesk ticket by clicking here. You might be asked to log in with your SSO. Then you will navigate directly to the LAUSD Helpdesk form titled "Report Lost or Stolen Device". Once you complete the form, it will generate a REQ or INC number that you should keep. Refer to Section 7-Report Lost or Stolen Device guide if you have any questions or contact ITS for assistance in completing the form.
- If School Police did not provide a police report number, then you can use an iStar report number or the REQ/INC number that was provided to you when completing the Helpdesk ticket.
Transfer of Equipment:
- ESSER Teacher Refresh Program (District Funded): Per the Teacher Refresh Project School FAQ, this device travels with teachers between schools and should be returned when they separate from the District. Pre-Authorization is granted to transfer this equipment by the COVID Fiscal Unit. Complete an ESSER Funded Device Refresh Project Transfer Form when this equipment transfers to a new school. Type "Teacher transferred to another school" under Disposition/Comments on your CEI. Keep the laptop on the CEI for one year before removing it. Receiving schools should add the items to the CEI. Submit the form ESSERhelp@lausd.net and "Cc" fsep@lausd.net in the same email.
- ESSER School Funded Equipment: Contact the COVID Fiscal Unit office or FSEP for guidance and approval of transferring any school funded ESSER equipment.
- Title I Funded Devices: Contact FSEP for guidance and approval of transferring any Title I Funded equipment.
*Computing Devices: Laptops, Desktops, Chromebooks, Tablets, Monitors;
**Non-Computing Devices: All other equipment
Referenced Documents
Transfer of ESSER Refresh Program Laptops
Form to be used when schools are transferring out an ESSER Teacher Refresh Program (District funded) laptops. Contact ESSERhelp@lausd.net if you have any questions.
Device Distribution Guidelines
IT Asset Management guidelines on what do do with "missing or stolen devices," see bullet four. Dated 6/16/2021. Please contact ITAssetMgmt@lausd.net if you have any questions.
Teacher Refresh Project School FAQ
Teacher Refresh Project School FAQ, which states that ESSER Teacher Refresh Program laptops travel with teachers between schools. Contact ESSERhelp@lausd.net if you have any questions.
Transportation Order Form
Used for requesting that equipment be sent to Surplus Property & Recycling Annex. Please either e-mail this completed form to truckop@lausd.net.
Equipment Resources
- Categorical Equipment
- Categorical Equipment Bulletin
- Categorical Equipment Timeline
- CEI Video Series
- Download 2023-2024 School CEI (SSO Required)
- Equipment Physical Check
- Title I Equipment Purchases
- Federal Award Identification Number
- Request Red Labels
- Disposal of Categorical Equipment
- Arey Jones PO Lookup
- Equipment Vendor List
- Equipment Classifications
- Allowable Warehouse Items
- Submit 202-2025 CEI