Federal and State Education Programs
Page Navigation
- FSEP Home
- School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- State Identified Schools
- Budget Planning 2024-2025
- Budget Planning 2025-2026
- Federal Program Monitoring (FPM)
- Title I Resources
- Categorical Equipment
- Title I, IV Private Schools Program (PSP)
- Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum
- Consolidated Application
- Publications
- Time and Effort Reporting
- Staff Directory
- 2024-2025 CEI Template
- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Categorical Equipment
Equipment Vendor List
Below are some of the LAUSD approved vendors that are commonly used by Title I schools. Schools are not limited to these vendors. This has been generated as a resource for new Title I Designees. If you have questions about vendors, please contact your buyer or the procurement office.
The vendors below are split into Contracted and Non-Contracted.
Contracted Vendors were selected for best price meeting all the required specifications of ITS, the District policies, and State/Federal law.
Non-Contracted Vendors will require a full explanation by the school of why the school needs to buy without a contract, get ITS approval, and gather three quotes to prove the best value.
Use the search feature below to filter results.
Updated: 11-16-2023
Equipment Resources
- Categorical Equipment
- Categorical Equipment Bulletin
- Categorical Equipment Timeline
- CEI Video Series
- Download 2023-2024 School CEI (SSO Required)
- Equipment Physical Check
- Title I Equipment Purchases
- Federal Award Identification Number
- Request Red Labels
- Disposal of Categorical Equipment
- Arey Jones PO Lookup
- Equipment Vendor List
- Equipment Classifications
- Allowable Warehouse Items
- Submit 202-2025 CEI
Contract Vendor List
Non-Contract Vendor List
Vendor Resources
Apple Product Catalog
Contact lausd@group.apple.com for quotes or more information. Updated: 11-19-2024
EHP Solutions Product Catalog
Contact timkim@ehpsolutions.com for quotes or more information. Updated: 10-24-2024
Star Education Product Catalog
Contact Shane@stareducationalsystems.com for quotes or more information. Updated: 1-17-2024