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Division of Special Education

  • Adult Transition Programs - Alternate Curriculum (Ages 18-22)

    Adult Transition -  Adult Students Working

    Adult transition programs for students ages 18-22 with extensive support needs and on an alternate curriculum provide focused instruction that assist with the development of life and employment skills. These life skills are important to promoting and supporting successful transition from school to adult life. Transition begins at 14 years of age in LAUSD and continues for adults with placement in transition programs that allow for maximum community integration through work experiences, independent living skills instruction, and community based instruction.

    Dr. James Koontz
    Moderate/Severe Instruction

    Nicole Douglas
    Specialist, CTC
    Moderate/Severe Instruction

    David Montalvo
    Specialist, CTC
    Moderate/Severe Instruction

CTC logo

Career and Transition Centers (CTC) Brochure  PDF icon » English      PDF icon » Spanish  

Career and Transition Centers (CTC) Flyer PDF icon» English and Spanish


LAUSD Career and Transition Centers provide employment preparation, independent living skills, and social skills instruction to students ages 18-22, who are identified by Individual Education Program (IEP) teams as needing an alternate curriculum. Employment preparation is provided through a variety of vocational training programs offered at the CTC. These programs provide opportunities for students to develop skills that will prepare them to be work ready and prepare them for competitive or supported employment opportunities after they exit the public school system. Independent living skills instruction, which includes community integration and independent travel, provides opportunities for students to learn how to navigate the community to become as independent as possible. The social skills instruction that is incorporated in each of the vocational training programs at CTCs allow students to learn and practice appropriate workplace and social behaviors in the context of real-world situations and environments.

Functional Academics

Students enrolled at the CTC will continue to receive instruction in the areas of Reading, Writing, Mathematics, and English Language Development. Academic instruction is delivered using the district approved and mandated curriculum, Unique Learning System's Transition Grade Band. The Unique Learning System addresses the needs of transition aged students by providing them with monthly lessons and activities that provide lifelong skills that are needed as they transition into adulthood. The lessons and activities are embedded into the vocational training strands and other classes offered at the CTC.

Off-Campus Work Experience

Students who are enrolled at the CTCs and are work-ready can participate in off-campus work experiences through the Work-Based Learning program (WBL). Each CTC partners with local businesses in the community to provide work experience opportunities for students. Students have the option of participating in the program in a volunteer experience (up to 200 hours per experience), and/or in a paid experience (up to 100 hours once student submits their right-to-work documents and the documents are verified/processed). Students who participate in a paid work experience are paid minimum wage for the hours they work. The goal for students who participate in the WBL program is to gain valuable work experience, and be prepared for competitive integrated employment.

Continuum of Placement Options

Instruction provided at the CTC also prepares students with the skills needed to participate in additional transition program opportunities. The Center for Advanced Transition Skills (CATS) and Project SEARCH are work experience/work training programs that are available to students who are enrolled at the CTC. Each program has specific criteria that must be met by the student before entering. Essential skills that are required include independent travel and prior work experience, all of which can be provided at the CTC. Students with a desire to participate in either program must first be screened and assessed in their current level of work readiness to determine eligibility for each program.


Students that are eligible for services provided at the CTC must meet the following criteria:

• Have completed the fourth year of high school or are 18 years old
• Eligibile for special education services as a student with a moderate/severe disability
• Currently on an alternate curriculum
• Have not exceeded the maximum age of service


Video icon Career and Transition Center video

Video icon Career and Transition Center video (Spanish) 

CTC Locations

CTC Map image

Banneker logo

Banneker CTC
14024 S. San Pedro St, LA 90061
(310) 324-6668 
Banneker Brochure

Leichman Lion Logo

Leichman CTC
19034 Gault St, Reseda, 91335

(818) 881-5341
Leichman Brochure

Lowman Leopard logo

Lowman Special Education Center and CTC
12827 Staicoy St, North Hollywood, 91605
(818) 765-3404
Lowman Brochure


Miller CTC
8218 Vanalden Ave, Reseda 91335

(818) 885-1646
Miller Brochure

CTC West

CTC West 
7850 Melrose Ave, LA 90046
(323) 370-1223
CTC West Brochure 

Perez Eagle Logo

Perez CTC
4540 Michigan Ave, East Los Angeles 90220
(323) 269-0681
Perez Brochure

Widney Kodiaks Logo

Widney CPTC
2302 S Gramercy Pl., LA 90018
(323) 731-8633
Widney Brochure

Videos of Widney: https://vimeo.com/widneyctc

Willenberg CTC

Willenberg CTC
308 S. Weymouth Ave, San Pedro 90732

(310) 548-1371
Willenberg Brochure

For more information, please contact Nicole Douglas, Specialist, nld1336@lausd.net or 
David Montalvo, Specialist, Career and Transition Centers, dxm1609@lausd.net  - 213-241-8050  


CATS Logo The Center for Advanced Transition Skills (CATS) is a work experience program established through a partnership between LAUSD and the Los Angeles Community College District. Students that are enrolled in the CATS program receive independent living skills instruction, employment preparation, and work experience in the community. Students also participate in college courses with support from LAUSD staff to assist with integration into the community college environment. There are currently six community college programs that serve LAUSD students: East Los Angeles College, Harbor College, Los Angeles Mission College, Los Angeles Trad-Tech College, Pierce College, and West Los Angeles College. 

LAUSD CATS facilitators are dedicated to providing opportunities for students to integrate into the community. By building partnerships with local businesses, CATS facilitators create opportunities for work experience, internships, and employment for students in the program. In partnership with community college faculty, CATS facilitators support students while participating in college courses to provide instruction that includes the accommodations and modifications needed to meet the individual needs of each student.

Collaboration with students, families, community business partners, and other agencies (regional center, Department of Rehabilitation), provide the support to empower students to become as independent as possible and obtain competitive integrated employment.

  CATS Brochure

 Printable CATS Brochure

» English

» Spanish


  CATS Videos
Video icon Center for Advanced Transition Skills video
Video icon Center for Advanced Transition Skills video (Spanish)

For more information, please contact Nicole Douglas, Specialist, nld1336@lausd.net or 
David Montalvo, Specialist, Career and Transition Centers, dxm1609@lausd.net  - 213-241-8050  

CATS Locations

East Los Angeles College Logo  East Los Angeles College 
 1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez 
 Monterey Park, CA 91754 

Los Angeles Harbor College Logo  Harbor College 
 1111 Figueroa Pl. 
 Wilmington, CA 90744

Los Angeles Mission College Logo  Los Angeles Mission College 
 13356 Eldridge Ave. 
 Sylmar, CA 91342

Los Angeles Trade Tech College Logo  Los Angeles Trade Tech College 
 400 W. Washington Blvd. 
 Los Angeles, CA 90015

Los Angeles Pierce College Logo  Pierce College 
 6201 Winnetka Ave. 
 Woodland Hills, CA 91371

West Los Angeles College Logo  West Los Angeles College 
 9000 Overland Ave. 
 Culver City, CA 90230

Project Search Logo

Project SEARCH is a work training program established through a partnership between LAUSD, a host business, and a regional center. Students are recruited at age 20 to participate in a one year internship at a host business site. Students receive rigorous independent living and social skills instruction and employability training while participating in internship rotations within multiple departments of the host business.

In collaboration with regional center, students also receive mentorship, employment planning and job development support. 

LAUSD and regional centers have partnered with five host business sites to provide this opportunity to students throughout the district; Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente South Bay, Kaiser Permanente Woodland Hills, and Kaiser Permanente West Los Angeles.

For information please contact Nicole Douglas, Specialist, nld1336@lausd.net, 213-241-8050

Project SEARCH Locations

Children's Hospital Los Angeles Logo  Children’s Hospital Los Angeles 
 4650 Sunset Blvd. 
 Los Angeles, CA 90027

Kaiser Permanente Logo  


Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center
4867 Sunset Blvd. 
Los Angeles CA 90027

Kaiser Permanente PanoramaCity Medical Center

13651 Willard St.

Panorama City, CA 91402


Kaiser Permanente South Bay 
25825 S. Vermont Ave. 
Harbor City, CA 90710

Kaiser Permanente Woodland Hills
5601 De Soto Ave. 
Woodland Hills, CA 91367

Kaiser Permanente West Los Angeles
6041 Cadillac Ave. 
Los Angeles, CA 90034

We Can Work

PDF iconWe Can Work





  •  Los Angeles Unified School District ♦ Division of Special Education 

    333 South Beaudry Avenue, 17th Floor, Los Angeles, CA  90017