• IT Contracts Unit


    The IT Contracts team is responsible for coordinating all acquisitions of technology-related goods, general services and professional services. The team is responsible for managing the Division's contracting activities which includes:

    • acting as the Division's liaison with Procurement Services Division (PSD)
    • providing guidance on District Procurement policies and procedures
    • performing due diligence and advise on terms and conditions
    • drafting, negotiating and reviewing solicitation and contractual documents with Sponsors

    Contact your IT Contracts team member or email ITD-Bids@lausd.net for any questions or concerns.

  • List of Past ITS Informal Solicitations 

  • List of Formal Solicitations | Refer to list below

Other Procurement Documents and ITS Templates

List of Frequently Used NIGP Commodity/Services Code (Technology only)

NIGP Codes Category
L00038 ITD-related Products and Services

ITS Onboarding and Exiting Policy Documents