• ELD Grading Guidance



The following are grading guidance tools and resources to support and guide teachers in determining EL student progress and assigning EL student ELD scores in Comprehensive ELD.


Power Point  Grading Guidance Power Point 2017/2018

PDF Icon Kindergarten Progress Report Card Scoring Protocol

PDF Icon 1st Grade Progress Report Card Scoring Protocol

PDF Icon 2nd Grade Progress Report Card Scoring Protocol

PDF Icon 3rd Grade Progress Report Card Scoring Protocol

PDF Icon 4th Grade Progress Report Card Scoring Protocol

PDF Icon 5th Grade Progress Report Card Scoring Protocol

PDF Icon 6th Grade Progress Report Card Scoring Protocol

PDF Icon Evidence-Suggestion Grading Guidance




This power point presentation is a professional development resource to deepen understanding of the ELD standards in order to better plan and assess Comprehensive ELD instruction.

Power Point Essence of the CA ELD Standards and Differentiation


PDF Icon Differentiated Essence




The purpose of the Quick Glance at CA ELD Standards documents is to facilitate long-range planning and assessment through the identification of CA ELD Standards taught in Start Smart 1.0 and Start Smart 2.0.

The intended use of this resource is for backward mapping standards to guide instruction and plan for evidence collection for progress report marks for each reporting period based on the CA ELD Standards.

To facilitate this use, standards taught and assessed have been grouped by Modes and Processes and highlighted in the corresponding colors from the CA ELD Standards.

 Additionally, the following formative assessments– STUDENT PROGRESS FORMS (SPFs) and the CA ELD Standards they assess are indicated with checkmarks 

PDF Icon  Start Smart Quick Glance at ELD Standards Correlation Overview

PDF Icon  Kindergarten Start Smart 1.0 ELD Standards Correlation Quick Glance

PDF Icon  Kindergarten Start Smart 2.0 ELD Standards Correlation Quick Glance

PDF Icon  1st Grade Start Smart 1.0 ELD Standards Correlation Quick Glance

PDF Icon  1st Grade Start Smart 2.0 ELD Standards Correlation Quick Glance

PDF Icon  2nd Grade Start Smart 1.0 ELD Standards Correlation Quick Glance

PDF Icon  2nd Grade Start Smart 2.0 ELD Standards Correlation Quick Glance

 PDF Icon  3rd Grade Start Smart 1.0 ELD Standards Correlation Quick Glance

PDF Icon  3rd Grade Start Smart 2.0 ELD Standards Correlation Quick Glance

 PDF Icon  4th Grade Start Smart 1.0 ELD Standards Correlation Quick Glance

PDF Icon  4th Grade Start Smart 2.0 ELD Standards Correlation Quick Glance

 PDF Icon  5th Grade Start Smart 1.0 ELD Standards Correlation Quick Glance 

 PDF Icon  5th Grade Start Smart 2.0 ELD Standards Correlation Quick Glance





These grade-level dELD correlations have been compiled from the Lessons at a Glance and Differentiated Instruction pages from the Benchmark Advance ELD TRS which identify the CA ELD Standards taught and assessed in each lesson.

The purpose of these grade-level documents is to facilitate long-range planning and assessment with the CA ELD Standards. Dots represent standards taught by lesson. Part I (PI) and Part II (P II) Standards are color-coded by their Modes or Processes.

PDF Icon  Kindergarten Benchmark Advance dELD Standards Correlation

PDF Icon 1st Grade Benchmark Advance dELD Standards Correlation

 PDF Icon 2nd Grade Benchmark Advance dELD Standards Correlation

PDF Icon  3rd Grade Benchmark Advance dELD Standards Correlation

PDF Icon  4th Grade Benchmark Advance dELD Standards Correlation

PDF Icon  5th Grade Benchmark Advance dELD Standards Correlation

In these video clips, a primary and upper grade teacher have a Collaborative Conversation with their Title III Coach regarding various facets of using the new progress report for ELD grading. These clips are organized by topics and focus questions.



Guiding Question: How has collaboration supported grading? In this video, teachers and their Title III Coach discuss how they use student work and samples to determine grades to communicate progress to parents.


VideoCollecting Evidence

Guiding Question: How has collaboration supported grading? In this video, teachers and their Title III Coach discuss how they use student work and samples to determine grades to communicate progress to parents.


VideoELD Proficiency (Level) Descriptors

Guiding Question: What steps did you take to understand the proficiency level descriptors? In this video, the teachers and their coach discuss their new learnings about the PLDs and student use of language



ELD Standards

Guiding Question: How do you use the ELD Standards to align your grading? In this video, the teachers and their coach discuss using the ELD standards to guide instruction and arrive at student scores



Grading Considerations

Guiding Question: How do you analyze student work to give a proficiency level score? In this video, the teachers and their coach share their process in analyzing student work with the ELD standards to arrive at a score for the Modes and Processes



Instructional Implications

Guiding Question: What are the instructional implications of your ELD Grades? In this video, the teachers and their coach discuss how they will use their ELD marks to assist in planning instruction for the next reporting period, including strategies they will use to support language growth



Differentiation and instructional scaffolds

Guiding Question: How do the ELD standards guide your instructional scaffolds? In this video, the kindergarten teacher, the 5th grade teacher and their coach discuss planning instruction for Designated ELD instruction based on language samples and student observation. Based on their conversation, they plan next steps in collecting student work



Start Smart 1.0 and Grading in 5th Grade

Guiding Question: What steps did you take at the beginning of the year in your instruction? In this video, the teachers and their coach discuss the use of instructional resources and student progress in the standards



Start Smart 1.0 and Grading in Kindergarten

Guiding Question: What steps did you take at the beginning of the year in your instruction? In this video, the teachers and their coach discuss the use of instructional resources and student progress in the standards