- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Arts Integration
AEB Arts Integration Professional Development
The Arts Education Branch offers FREE arts integration workshops throughout the year. LAUSD teachers can receive salary points for attending all days and an additional workshop, and if homework is completed. Participants may also receive training rate pay instead of salary points.
In Integrating Arts Learning in the Classroom, Part I teachers will learn foundational skills in dance, music, theatre and visual arts, as well as strategies for integrating these art forms into other curricular areas. Integrating Arts Learning in the Classroom, Part II explores arts integration in greater depth, and builds on previous experiences. Part I is a prerequisite. Classes are taught by LAUSD's Arts Education Branch administrators team and credentialed arts teachers.
Integrating Music in the Classroom has also been added to our class lineup! Dive deeper into activities that will reference the foundational concepts of music taught in previous Arts Integration Professional Development sessions, the philosophy and pedagogy of arts integration, finding authentic connections to other core subjects with an emphasis on standards-based instruction, and the planning of integrated lessons and activities.