- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Secondary English Learner Instruction
Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department
Textbook Materials Support
ELD LTEL Course Curriculums Steps to Acquire Core Supplemental MaterialsAfter conducting a thorough site inventory...Check availability of copies of needed program components at other school sites in Destiny, and collaborate with site leadership to share resources.If this does not satisfy need...Request needed program components from LAUSD District Warehouse:• Go to the ILTSS main page at http://www.iltss.org/• Create a "Remedy Ticket"(under Quick Links)—› Log in using SSO—› Click on Destiny-Library, Textbook, Resource IssueIf there are no copies available in the district, contact one of the following used book vendors:• Follett School Solutions, at cginsburg@follett.com• K-12 Marketplace, at drew@k12marketplace.com• Apple Textbooks, at mwalsh@appletextbooks.comIf materials are supplemental, schools can create a Purchase Order and use school site funds to obtain needed items.