- Los Angeles Unified School District
- World Languages and Cultures
Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department

News Update for College Applicants
As of January, 2021 the College Board will no longer offer SAT Subject Tests or SAT with an Essay. For more information, click here to read the question and answer article.
World Languages
World Languages & Cultures Course Descriptions
In LAUSD, World Languages and Cultures include courses and programs that provide students with opportunities to fulfill the graduation and college admissions requirements for languages other than English.
These courses may include secondary school introductory elective courses in a language other than English (e.g., Introduction to Mandarin), as well as sequential, credit-bearing and UC "a-g"-approved courses that lead to the development of linguistic and cultural proficiencies (e.g., Spanish 1AB, Spanish 2AB, Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1AB, AP Spanish Language and Culture, among others).
Currently, the LAUSD is proud to offer these languages in its schools:
- American Sign Language
- Arabic
- Armenian (Dual Language Program)
- French
- German
- Portuguese
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Latin
- Mandarin
- Pilipino
- Russian
- Spanish
World Languages Resources on the CDE Website (link)
2020 California World Languages Framework
The World Languages Framework is Now Available
The World Languages Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve is now available for download! Please visit the World Languages Framework web page to access the PDF.
This framework represents a timely and significant step forward in supporting teachers of world languages; students developing multilingual proficiency; parents and guardians who want their children to acquire, maintain, or strengthen a language other than English; and communities and businesses engaged in global enterprise. The content and guidance in the framework support the goals of the World Languages Standards, making it a key resource in our ongoing commitment to ensure that all California students are prepared for college, twenty-first century careers, and global citizenship. This framework celebrates the diversity of our great state and embodies the inclusionary objectives.
Please share this news with teachers of world languages and dual language programs, and anyone else who may benefit.
The Importance of Biliteracy
Our students today live in a more interconnected world than that of any previous generation.
Knowledge and appreciation of different languages and cultures of the world contribute to increased global competence and are valuable and necessary skills for our students. Citizens of the United States share and shape the future with citizens of all countries of the world.
The ability to communicate with peers in other languages --in addition to English-- and to engage with others in culturally-appropriate ways increases educational and employment opportunities, strengthens personal relationships, and adds to the enjoyment and appreciation of life. Proficiency in a language other than English can aid significantly in the pursuit of learning by granting access to information that may only be accessible in another language. Furthermore, acquiring another language can provide the learner with a better understanding of English through new perspectives.
As 21st Century Americans and global citizens, our students need to understand, appreciate and respect the linguistic and cultural backgrounds of all people. Currently, both the University of California and the California State University require successful completion of at least two years of secondary-level study of a language other than English as part of their admissions requirement.
In alignment with the district's vision for all our students to graduate "college prepared and career ready", the LAUSD requires a minimum of two years of secondary-level study of a language other than English for all graduates. Hence, World Languages and Cultures is an integral part of LAUSD's instructional program.
Once commonly known as "foreign languages", these courses and programs are now referred to by the LAUSD and by an increasing number of learning institutions and professional organizations, including the University of California-- as "world languages" to affirm that, in a community as diverse as ours in Los Angeles, such languages are not necessarily "foreign", but rather "languages of the world", other than English.
For additional resources on the value of bilingualism, biliteracy, and multilingual and multicultural education, please see the Seal of Biliteracy section of our general resource page.
This website is dedicated to all LAUSD teachers of World Languages and Cultures, counselors, and school administrators who, through their tireless efforts, make languages and cultures come to life and create "a world of opportunities" for our students day after day, year after year.
Seal of Biliteracy Criteria Chart
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World Language Directory
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Program Overview
World Languages and Cultures is an office in the Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department. Our mission is to promote bilingualism, biliteracy, and cultural competencies through standards- and proficiency-based teaching and learning of World Languages and Cultures; to help all students, regardless of their home language, meet or exceed the district's graduation and UC/CSU "a-g" admissions requirement in languages other than English. Crucial to this mission are more than 652 teachers of World Languages and Cultures, countless school counselors and site administrators, who serve over 178,000 students every day across the LAUSD. Our secondary schools offer Spanish, French, Korean, Mandarin, American Sign Language, Italian, Japanese, Arabic, Russian, German, and Latin throughout the district. Most of our schools offer Spanish courses and many offer French courses at various levels. Please refer to the program directory to find schools and the LOTE languages they offer.
World Languages and Culture Coordinator
Dr. Eva Arrechiga, World Languages and Culture Coordinator, eal0710@lausd.net
Phone: 213-241-5582
Join us on Schoology
World Languages Virtual Learning Schoology Group
Access Code: 3FH3-SD7Q-2HDNS
Elementary and Middle School Pathway to Biliteracy Award Schoology Group
Access Code: QNZ8R-XQ7BQ
Office hours are available for employees, students, and families.
World Languages Office Hours: Every Monday, 3:45 - 4:45 PM
Meeting ID: 868 4768 6713